

'We are [confused] first-time homebuyers': Previous homeowners leave their furniture demanding new homeowners store it until they're ready to pick it up

'We are [confused] first-time homebuyers': Previous homeowners leave their furniture demanding new homeowners store it until they're ready to pick it up

There are a lot of stressful moments in one's life, but buying a house has to make it close to the top of the list—especially nowadays! Buying a house is not cheap, you're investing more than just a portion of your paycheck, you're investing a lifetime agreement. So to put that ink to paper to make it official can be nerve-racking. It's only natural that you want everything to be perfect before you officially commit.
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‘He made an idiot of himself’: Boyfriend tries to take revenge on girlfriend's roommates via social media, girls band together and kick him out

‘He made an idiot of himself’: Mooching boyfriend tries to take revenge on girlfriend's roommates via social media, girls band together and kick him out

It's 100% normal to date the wrong person many times in your life. That's how dating works. You start to see someone you like, until you realize you actually don't click at all. Eventually, you find someone you click with and all the ups and downs of the relationship are worth it. That's when you are able to look back at past heartbreaks and wonder, “What in tarnation was I thinking??” Hindsight is 20/20, after all.
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'I absolutely know I’m in the legal right': Woman closes gate to lake access on her private property, entitled neighbors impersonate fake HOA to intimidate

'I absolutely know I’m in the legal right': Woman closes gate to lake access on her private property, entitled neighbors impersonate fake HOA to intimidate

When you purchase a property, do you intend to follow all the unwritten rules that other neighbors feel “grandfathered” into? What if those rules get your car dinged up or your dog loose? The entitlement to your own private property can be intimidating. And if your good old-fashioned neighborly intimidation tactics don't work, then some extremely entitled neighbors might take it too far. Perhaps even going against the law.
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'I'm being accused of disrupting the group vibe': Woman sees mooching couple at friend dinner, preemptively gets herself a separate check

'I'm being accused of disrupting the group vibe': Woman sees mooching couple at friend dinner, preemptively gets herself a separate check

We've all been there—it's a big friend group dinner. It took weeks to plan and some of these friends you hardly ever see, so you really really want to go. But then the anxiety starts to set in when you start about how that splitting of the check is going to go down. Some friends are in the mindset of “just split everything down the middle!” Even though some people ordered $20 cocktails and prime rib and you just got water and a side salad. Others are all about separate checks, but who will be t…
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'We did exactly what they wanted': First-time homebuyers upset due to ‘missing items’ previous owners tried to leave for them, too late to back out of the deal now

Sometimes you can repeat yourself a thousand times and be as crystal clear as possible, and someone will still misunderstand you. Like, how much more do you need to spell it out? You literally spelled it out with written words multiple times. You would think this only happens from time to time, but nope. It happens all the time! It seemed to happen recently when these veteran homeowners sold their house to some first-time homebuyers. Now, they're not trying to play the blame game here, where th…
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'I still giggle about it years later': Entitled boss makes his kid's photo the centerpiece of the office, employee hilariously photoshops it and never gets caught

Revenge is a dish best served petty. To pull a silly harmless little prank that makes everyone laugh AND serves as a cute little karma kick to an entitled target is a double whammy in our books. This person really hit a homerun with this petty revenge prank—and never got caught! This employee had an incompetent and entitled nepo-baby boss. It's unfortunate but it happens often in our capitalistic society. There's little you can do aside from quit and try and find a decent place of employment. B…
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'Enjoy your [new] drama-free life': Entitled sister quits the job her sister got her after only 2 days, sister cuts her from her life and blocks her from getting her W2 tax forms

Isn't it just a kick in the teeth when you really go out of your way to help someone and they aren't even grateful? Or worse, they totally take advantage of your kindness? That knife in your back feels even worse when it's from your own family. But, family drama is no mystery to the world and happens often. Take this woman, for example, who recently cut her own sister out of her life. Her sister was a struggling mother of three, so she went out of her way to help her as best as she could. She d…
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‘I had enough of her’: Banker threatens to quit but stays for a generous raise, puts in her two weeks shortly after anyways when new manager brings her to tears

Sometimes you need to quit because you're not getting paid enough for the work you do. Sometimes you are getting paid well for the work you do, maybe even over the usual market value for your position, but if the work environment is making you miserable, you still need to quit. Obviously, it's up to you, do whatever you want, but are you seriously okay with having to endure such a volatile place for such a a huge chunk of your life? One banker said enough is enough. She had been working at this…
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‘We got a 2nd refund’: Third-party booking service and hotel screw guy out of $600 and makes his party sleep in the basement, ends up getting double the refund

Sometimes something very very annoying has to happen to you so you can get rewarded with something very very awesome. For instance, when a huge multi-billion company finagles hundreds of extra dollars out of your hardworking hands, but then due to them being entitled and impolite, you end up getting thousands of dollars in return. It's called karma and it tastes so so sweet. Take for instance, this commenter on a Reddit post about a guy trying to get a Priceline refund. The post was about a guy…
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‘College-Educated Tightwad’ Neighbor Tries to Outsmart His Way for Paying His Half of Shared Fence, Hoodwinks Himself Into a Higher Cost of Living

If you're going to poke the bear, expect the claws—or whatever that saying is. Basically, if you are going to try and pull something shady off, you should always be prepared for it to backfire. Karma does not taste so sweet when you're on the receiving end. Take, for instance, this know-it-all neighbor trying to finagle his way out of responsibilities. Apparently, this guy was renting a house that shared a fence with its neighboring house. Unbeknownst to the landlord, this guy was notoriously n…
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'I politely told her [no]… She kept yelling:' Karen mom thinks son is entitled to window seat during flight, demands unwilling woman switches with her, flight attendants put her in her place

If you have ever flown before, then you should be well aware of the in-flight edict. You can try and pull the ‘ole switcheroos with seating, nobody is really against that. But you need to approach it with zero expectations. You are not entitled to that seat switch. And if you are considering asking someone to switch seats with you, then you have to come to them with an upgrade, not a window seat for a middle, or ask for a front seat with more legroom and offer a middle seat by the bathrooms. Li…
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'After 20 minutes of him talking... I put in my two weeks': Employee quits during his yearly meeting, gets reprimanded for not cutting his boss off sooner

Sure, we all know the basic societal niceties—say please and thank you, don't interrupt someone when they're talking, chew with your mouth closed, let pregnant women and senior citizens have the seat on the bus, etc. But when is it appropriate to stand your ground and overstep those normal “niceties?" Well, according to Reddit , it's when you're quitting. This employee made the decision to himself that he was going to quit months ago. The job was all kids of messed up internally, and he was get…
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'Take that unaware guy': Internet applauds customer of a local coffee shop who sneakily gets entitled customer on his phone to tip 25%

It is 2024, if you are an American and don't know how to properly tip, then shame on you. 20% is the minimum. Period. Nobody cares if you had to send your plate back multiple times, that service industry employee is working to pay their rent. The least you can do is give them $5. Like, stop being so entitled. This entitled customer got a beautiful act of petty revenge thrust upon him, and he probably never even realized it. You see, this guy was not only not going to tip, but he was also holdin…
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'I would be upping the stinky food game': High school secretary of 20+ years loves her job until she gets a new office mate, internet provides both helpful and petty solutions

We're humans, our species is all about evolution and embracing change. But on the other hand, we also love a routine. Why change something if it ain't broken? Unfortunately, sometimes well-meaning bosses will intervene and change something at work that they think will help, but actually does the opposite. This high school secretary loves her job and has loved it for over 20 years. She loves all the kids, parents, and her co-workers. She worked closely with one co-worker she calls Tammy. They ha…
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'My friend here took half [of your money]': Realtor snubs interested buyer, loses 50% of her commission

Have you ever seen the classic Julia Roberts film Pretty Woman ? Remember the scene where she walks into a fancy retail shop and the women refuse to serve her because they thought she looked too poor, but then got hooked up by Richard Gere's character? Then she went back to that store and told them they made a big “HUGE" mistake. Well, that is what happened here but in real life and with an entitled realtor instead of retail workers.
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‘[My supervisor] is going to have a very “fun” conversation with him’: Entitled customer demands personal phone number of auto insurance employee, gets threatened with jail time instead

Working the phones in any job is not usually a very good time, but working the phones for insurance claims seems to be notorious for getting the worst of the Karen and male-Karen customers…
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