pro revenge

Get me fired? It’s a small world, isn’t it?

'Witch #2 did not get hired': Employee gets revenge on former coworker after she tried to apply for a job at their current company

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'My boss's act of revenge': Manager sells $400k of electronics to employees at insane prices after uncovering company's plan to close store

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'Not happening...': Terrible lazy coworker tries to get a reference from a frustrated former team member

Delivery drivers and taco bell haters should read this. I cost taco bell $1000

'Stop being upset at every little tiny thing and bothering managers': Delivery driver's pro revenge results in heavy fine for restaurant

I put pepper juice on my cousins underwear

'I put pepper juice on my cousin's underwear': Teenager gets petty revenge on cousin after he refused to shower for weeks

Woman road rages against me. Gets arrested during Christmas

'The look on her face was PRICELESS': Guy cuts Karen off while driving, leads to wild road rage incident

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The Top Petty Revenge Stories of the Week (February 7, 2023)

‘I Reported Him Straight After the Phone Call’ : Boss Accuses Wrong Ex-Employee of Reporting Use of Pirated Software, Leading to Petty Revenge

‘I Reported Him Straight After the Phone Call’ : Boss Accuses Wrong Ex-Employee of Reporting Use of Pirated Software, Leading to Petty Revenge

Boomer doesn't understand tech

'Karen had deleted everything': Boomer Karen tries to screw over coworker after getting laid off, coworker gets revenge

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'I won over $5,000': Guy turns the tables on scammer, gets paid for a car accident that they caused

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Bad Boss Steals Super Bowl Tickets, Loses Client and Pays Hefty Price

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Feud over alarm clock costs insane aunt her entire career, she gets arrested following nuclear revenge

'I'll come back as long as Larry isn't there': Terrible boss drives essential programmer to quit, CEO removes boss and begs programmer to come back

'I'll come back as long as Larry isn't there': Terrible boss drives essential programmer to quit, CEO removes boss and begs programmer to come back

Update: 'Now comes the revenge': Owners short analyst $70k in payments, costs them $1.8M

Update: 'Now comes the revenge': Owners cheat analyst of $70k in payments, so he keeps their $1.8M

‘They Threatened Me With Eviction’ : Man Installs Personal Doorbell Cameras in Violation to (Hypocritical) Condo Board Rules, They Swiftly Come After Him, Neighborly Revenge Ensues

‘They Threatened Me With Eviction’ : Man Installs Personal Doorbell Cameras in Violation to (Hypocritical) Condo Board Rules, They Swiftly Come After Him, Neighborly Revenge Ensues

Terrible boss loses $100M over their poor treatment of a former employee

'[New boss] let me decide': Terrible boss loses $100M over their poor treatment of a former employee