
pizza guy

customer service karens pizza pizza delivery customers customer pizza guy food service karens in the wild karen service industry - 24007173

'[It cost] a measly 69 cents': Karen wants a cup of ranch with her pizza, doesn't want to pay

You might not expect a grown adult to lose their marbles over a 69-cent cup of the ranch, but when it comes to entitled people and paying petty amounts of cash, you can always expect there to be an issue.
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tow truck pizza pizza delivery pizza delivery guy towing scammers delivery driver pizza guy scams food delivery delivery - 22663685

'[I went] back outside and my car was missing': Pizza guy gets towed instantly by predatory towing company while delivering to apartment complex

Towing companies have a certain reputation for being predatory, lurking in the shadows and waiting for unsuspecting parkers to put one wheel out of place. Pouncing moments after the driver is out of sight, dragging their car away to hold it for ransom without remorse or exception...
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pizza retail pizza delivery karen-customer customers customer pizza guy workplace service industry - 21912325

'The pizza was like 3 inches tall': Customer rudely insists on a pizza with everything on it, experiences immediate regret

Whenever you write the phrase “The customer is always right” online, there's always someone showing up to show you up in the comments to confidently proclaim that this utterance is actually a shortened version of the original phrase, “The customer is always right in matters of taste." Attributions for either version normally go to one of several pioneering and successful department store retailers who reshaped the trade in the late 1800s and publications on the retail philosophy emerge in the e…
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customer service karens pizza pizza delivery karen-customer pizza guy karens in the wild package delivery delivery karen - 1850119

'I want my pizza for free': Karen answers door naked, demands free pizza, pizza guy calls police

This isn't how I remember that going…
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