

Division Is a Therapist?

pi irrational comic math - 7165869568
Via The Argyle Sweater
nerdgasm pi pie - 29957

8 Geektastic Things For Your Pi Day Celebration

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Hooray for Pi Day!

T.Shirt pi math School of FAIL - 7138050048
Via Shirt Shovel

Things to Do on Pi Day

T.Shirt pi math - 7138054400
Via Skreened

The Numbers Just Keep Following the Pi-per

T.Shirt pi math - 7138052864
Via Think Geek

Pi-Chinese Search Engine Begins to Calculate Pi

wtf pi - 7138525184
Via Baidu

Now I Want Pi

T.Shirt cute pi - 7130386688

The Most Pi You Can Handle

pi math g rated School of FAIL - 7074815744
Via Designed by Nature

He's a Smooth Operator

sine pi math - 7074856704

Everyone Loves Pi

mind blown pi pie math - 7055592704

Cleverbot Knows EVERYTHING!

math pi - 7009045760
Created by WillTreaty

You Two Aren't Very Rational!

pi imaginary numbers math - 6627774976

Such Delicious Apple Pi

pi delicious apple pie g rated School of FAIL - 6969644288

The Nerdiest Price There Is

pi g rated School of FAIL - 6880707584

Cheating the Pie Contest WIN

pun pi pie math - 6796651264
Via Reddit

Happy Pi-Giving!

pi pie food Incidental Comics - 6788071168
Via Incidental Comics