


'I still giggle about it years later': Entitled boss makes his kid's photo the centerpiece of the office, employee hilariously photoshops it and never gets caught

Revenge is a dish best served petty. To pull a silly harmless little prank that makes everyone laugh AND serves as a cute little karma kick to an entitled target is a double whammy in our books. This person really hit a homerun with this petty revenge prank—and never got caught! This employee had an incompetent and entitled nepo-baby boss. It's unfortunate but it happens often in our capitalistic society. There's little you can do aside from quit and try and find a decent place of employment. B…
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Top 40+ Photos from the Weird Side of the Internet (November 18, 2023)

Top 40+ Photos from the Weird Side of the Internet (November 16, 2023)

The internet is many things: a place to connect with friends, read, write, shop, and discover a treasure trove of the oddest photos imaginable . When the internet was younger, it was a pretty magical place to be. You could find a lot of interesting websites about celebrity gossip or your special interests or websites like ours, full of memes, videos, and fails . I personally really miss the original Farmville game from Facebook… the hold it had on society in the mid 2000s-2010s was really somet…
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marriage jealous true-off-my-chest wife fake photoshop husband cheating confession Photo divorce reddit thread Reddit adultery - 20929797

'I saw pictures of you with another man': Guy files for divorce after receiving photoshopped images of wife with another man and kid

Talk about a prank gone wrong!
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21 Dumb Photoshop Fails By People Who Don't Know The Laws Of Physics

21 Dumb Photoshop Fails By People Who Don't Know The Laws Of Physics

I smell a catfish.
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20+ Bizarre Photoshop fails that aren't fooling anyone

20+ Bizarre Photoshop fails that aren't fooling anyone

How did we ever live without Photoshop, one of the coolest inventions of these modern times. Before Photoshop, if someone had red-eye in a photo, a real person would go in with an actual paintbrush and paint their eye color on the film to correct it. That was skilled work back in the day, and Photoshopping professionally today takes lots of practice. But also, thanks to the internet, any fool can shop their photos with hardly any effort. The internet has provided us with some hilarious examples…
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Photographer Photoshops Out Woman's Breasts From Family Photo for Some Inexplicable Reason, an Interesting Choice

Photographer Photoshops Out Woman's Breasts From Family Photo for Some Inexplicable Reason, an Interesting Choice

Why only hers though?
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dogs editing photoshop photoshopped funny derp - 16231941

Dog Does A Derp Catching Snowball, Gets Photoshopped To The Nines

Photoshop is the best. It doesn't take a whole lot to inspire creativity in people with photoshop, or in some of these cases possibly MS Paint. One solid image of a dog doing something weird, an issued challenge, and people on the internet are off to the races trying to find the weirdest, funniest or most fitting location for that derpin' dog. For some delectable photoshop trolls, here are some choice photoshop trolls from the master James Fridman.
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wtf cringe photoshop amazing win animals - 16061701

43 Animal Photoshops That are Abominations of Nature

This is not what nature intended.
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amazing photoshop wins

26 Amazing Photoshops That Will Surprise Your Sister

Make sure to show these to her.
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Poorly photoshopped images from instagram and social media

Ridiculous Failures of Photoshop and Judgement That Have Uncanny Appearances

Never take what you see at face value.
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funny animals people photoshopped

Animals That Got The Photoshop Treatment

Alright, so that's great.
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funny photoshop demands that get trolled by James Fridman | e didn't bear with Hi James, could please make bear realistic | Hi James, Could please get rid people background? Done. Eiffel tower

Masterful Photoshop Trollings From The King James Fridman

He's like a photoshop genie and not in the good way.
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funny wholesome work story

The Wholesome Tale Of A Coworker Getting One Over On Old Joe

Now that's a healthy workspace.
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funny James Fridman photoshop trolls

Delightful Photoshop Trolls From The Master James Fridman

That's why he's the best.
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funny twitter thread enlarging collar using photoshop

Twitter User Promises Enlarged Collar In Exchange For Likes, It Gets Too Big

Ya know, normal stuff.
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Funny times James Fridman trolled people's photoshop requests | James Fridman Kelsey Hil! Can remove pole front Sure. couple at wedding and collapsed tent

Choice Photoshop Trolls From The Master James Fridman

They got more than they bargained for.
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