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'Her fiancé had no idea we were together': Man's ex-girlfriend gets engaged to another person just one week after their breakup

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'I took my ex off my Spotify plan while she was on a road trip': Dude removes ex from streaming service mid-road trip, others share their stories

'Some teachers shouldn’t be teachers': Vice principal rejects student's excused absence, tries to force her into detention, her Mom comes to the rescue

'Some teachers shouldn’t be teachers': Vice principal rejects student's excused absence, tries to force her into detention, Mom comes to the rescue

Top Petty Payback Stories of the Week (October 3, 2023)

'All she could do was glare': Top Petty Payback Stories of the Week (October 3, 2023)

'I emptied that box into their garbage can and waited': Neighbors refuse to stop letting their dog go to the bathroom on dude's lawn, dude gets payback

'I emptied that box into their garbage can and waited': Neighbors refuse to stop letting their dog go to the bathroom on dude's lawn, dude gets payback

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'It was petty, but it felt good': Navy pilot buys a car just to spite an arrogant fleet commodore

Woman outsmarts her cat-napping ex for the purrfect revenge

'Moral of the story, microchip your pets': Woman outsmarts her cat-napping ex for the purrfect revenge

'I got written up': Bank teller calls out coworker for not helping out, gets fired, but gets payback years later

'I got written up': Bank teller calls out coworker for not helping out, gets fired, but gets payback years later

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'All the blood drained from her face': Actress learns production staff she treated poorly decide whether or not she keeps her job

'I can't stand people like that': Egocentric lady ignores guy at networking event, he gets even by revealing he could have given her a job

'I can't stand people like that': Egocentric lady ignores guy at networking event, he gets even by revealing he could have given her a job

'He didn't touch my seat for the remainder of the flight': Kevin keeps grabbing passenger's seat on flight, passenger gets petty by grabbing his hand with wet fingers

'He didn't touch my seat for the remainder of the flight': Kevin keeps grabbing passenger's seat, passenger gets petty by grabbing his hand with wet fingers

'Enjoy a bouquet of petty little annoyances': Guy keeps talking loudly on the phone during train ride, passenger gets even

'Enjoy a bouquet of petty little annoyances': Guy keeps talking loudly on the phone during train ride, passenger gets even

'I pulled a Karen': Guy gets cuts off by bad driver, cops almost let him off until guy pulls out the dashcam footage

'I pulled a Karen': Guy gets cuts off by bad driver, cops almost let him off until guy pulls out the dashcam footage

'I decided to be petty': Guy's roommate keeps eating his food, so he tricks him using expired milk and non-hard boiled eggs

'I decided to be petty': Guy's roommate keeps eating his food, so he tricks him using expired milk and non-hard boiled eggs

'[I had] them cut off service to her phone... in the middle of an argument': 20+ People who created ingenious methods of petty pay back

'[I had] them cut off service to her phone... in the middle of an argument': 20+ People who created ingenious methods of petty pay back

'The look on her face when I told her': Woman discovers her roommate has been stealing her washcloths, gets even by planting a dirty one

'The look on her face when I told her': Woman discovers her roommate has been stealing her washcloths, gets even by planting a dirty one