
'I made a five minute video': Woman creates video of friends telling off her cheating ex, posts it online, he sends her money

'I made a five minute video': Woman creates video of friends telling off her cheating ex, posts it online, he sends her money

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'She ended up destroying a bunch of company property': Supervisor goes ballistic when worker quits, gets fired

'Roommates expect me to deep clean [their] mess': Tenant gets even with roommates after ridiculous demands, ensures they don't get their share of the security deposit

'Roommates expect me to deep clean [their] mess': Tenant gets even with roommates after ridiculous demands, ensures they don't get their share of the security deposit

'These should match all of your dietary requests': Difficult neighbor makes demands about Halloween treats for her kids, woman just gives them carrots carrots

'These should match all of your dietary requests': Difficult neighbor makes demands about Halloween treats for her kids, woman just gives them carrots

'Do you even see yourself?': Guy goes on first date with a non-stop texter, he stands her up mid-date, she barely notices

'Do you even see yourself?': Guy goes on first date with a non-stop texter, he stands her up mid-date, she barely notices

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'[I] spent hours online signing [him] up for every free publication I could find': Community praises man who went through extreme lengths to get revenge on a passive aggressive neighbor

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'My dash cam was running the entire time': Family tries to pull scam after car accident they caused but guy has a dash cam

'[I] deactivate their keys': Front desk agent discovers special method to get even with Karen customers

'[I] deactivate their keys': Front desk agent discovers special method to get even with Karen customers

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'Her fiancé had no idea we were together': Man's ex-girlfriend gets engaged to another person just one week after their breakup

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'I took my ex off my Spotify plan while she was on a road trip': Dude removes ex from streaming service mid-road trip, others share their stories

'Some teachers shouldn’t be teachers': Vice principal rejects student's excused absence, tries to force her into detention, her Mom comes to the rescue

'Some teachers shouldn’t be teachers': Vice principal rejects student's excused absence, tries to force her into detention, Mom comes to the rescue

Top Petty Payback Stories of the Week (October 3, 2023)

'All she could do was glare': Top Petty Payback Stories of the Week (October 3, 2023)

'I emptied that box into their garbage can and waited': Neighbors refuse to stop letting their dog go to the bathroom on dude's lawn, dude gets payback

'I emptied that box into their garbage can and waited': Neighbors refuse to stop letting their dog go to the bathroom on dude's lawn, dude gets payback

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'It was petty, but it felt good': Navy pilot buys a car just to spite an arrogant fleet commodore

Woman outsmarts her cat-napping ex for the purrfect revenge

'Moral of the story, microchip your pets': Woman outsmarts her cat-napping ex for the purrfect revenge

'I got written up': Bank teller calls out coworker for not helping out, gets fired, but gets payback years later

'I got written up': Bank teller calls out coworker for not helping out, gets fired, but gets payback years later