
pro revenge petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories petty revenge revenge-stories-reddit - 23847173

Business refuses to pay analyst $70k, costs them $1.8M: 'Now comes the revenge'

'Your store had to refund [me] $10,000': Customer gets back at power-tripping manager's nonsense policy

'Your store had to refund [me] $10,000': Customer gets back at power-tripping manager's nonsense policy

'Took her a few hours to get the knots out': Woman throws long hair into stranger's lap during a show, he gets even by tying her hair in knots

'Knot a bad revenge at all': Woman throws her long hair into stranger's lap during a show, he gets even by tying her hair in knots

'I chose not to comply with most of her "recommendations"': Karen demands roommate hide her stuff for a party, roommate hides all the toilet paper

'I chose not to comply with most of her "recommendations"': Karen demands housemate hide her stuff for a party, roommate hides all the toilet paper

Boss Denies Manager's Promised Promotion, Manager Gets Store Shut Down: 'They were going to demote me!'

Boss Denies Manager's Promised Promotion, Manager Gets Store Shut Down: 'They were going to demote me!'

'I’m here to work, not make friends': Guy plays loud unpopular music at work to spite coworkers

'I’m here to work, not make friends': Guy plays loud unpopular music at work to spite coworkers

'We can't and won't help you': Front desk clerk refuses to help entitled hotel guest after he complained that his car got blocked while parking in a management-reserved spot

'We can't and won't help you': Front desk clerk refuses to help entitled hotel guest after he complained that his car got blocked while parking in a management-reserved spot

‘Feeling happily petty’: Guy gets even with his messy coworker by ruining his rubber band collection

‘Feeling happily petty’: Guy gets even with his messy coworker by ruining his rubber band collection

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'She avoided eye contact with me': Customer gets back at presumptive sales associate for judging them based on appearance

'We're not a daycare': Elementary school principal humbled by small-town mom after forcing students to walk 5 miles home from school

'We're not a daycare': Elementary school principal humbled by small-town mom after forcing students to walk 5 miles home from school

'I help[ed] send him to jail': Couple keeps neighbor up every night with their screaming, neighbor buys security camera and sends footage to the police

'I help[ed] send him to jail': Couple keeps neighbor up every night with their screaming, neighbor buys security camera and sends footage to the police

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'I knew everything': Poor treatment of previous employee costs business $1,000,000 contract when they're assigned to manage the account

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'Cut my hours? Enjoy the fraud charges': Employer gets boss fired and charged for cutting their hours

'I came out on top': Guy charged $30 to exchange Christmas gift, refuses on principle, challenges policy and makes the store pay up

'I came out on top': Guy charged $30 to exchange Christmas gift, refuses on principle, challenges policy and makes the store pay up

'This is my type of crazy': Driver refuses to let fancy car cut him off, gets into petty argument with the lawyer behind the wheel

'This is my type of crazy': Driver refuses to let fancy car cut him off, gets into petty argument with the lawyer behind the wheel

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'[The lawyer] just stood there, staring': Dairy farmer gets revenge on big-shot lawyer for parking in his driveway