
 Flight flights Airport seats flying seating passenger airplane plane karen entitled people entitled entitled people karma books reading

Entitled airline passenger gets up 13 times during flight to get back at seat mate, seat mate gets petty revenge: 'I can't fathom the... entitlement'

 Babies toddlers airport flight seating seats plane passenger twins flights airplane flying

Mother of 3-year-olds twins refuses to parent them during 5-hour flight: 'The couple next to me moved'

 Flight flights Airport seats flying seating passenger airplane plane

Early-morning airplane passenger tries to get entire row of seats to herself: 'You’re never obligated to move'

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20+ Flight attendants who clashed with their entitled passengers: 'I know there's a call button there, but don't ring it 15 million times'

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Oblivious woman sprays perfume on airplane, passenger confronts her: 'I'm enveloped in a... sweet cloud'

'[I was] framed as some seat squatter': 19 Times the tables turned and the flight attendant was actually the Karen during a flight

'[I was] framed as some seat squatter': 19 Times the tables turned and the flight attendant was actually the Karen during a flight

Passenger overhears taxi driver gossip about her on the phone in another language, she gets payback after revealing she got every word: 'You shouldn't make comments like that'

Passenger overhears taxi driver gossip about her on the phone in another language, she gets payback after revealing she got every word: 'You shouldn't make comments like that'

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'I get a reply from the CEO': Business trip gets cut short for an obnoxious passenger after she ruins an 8-hour flight for everyone, insulted traveler writes a heated complaint after doing some clever sleuthing

 Flight flights Airport seats flying seating passenger airplane plane bags bag malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit Tags

'Petty airport security overdoes it': Power-tripping airport security employee has to "bite his tongue" after traveler outsmarts him

Seat stealer gets called out by passenger on packed flight during chaotic takeoff: ''This isn't a bus!'

Seat stealer gets called out by passenger on packed flight during chaotic takeoff: 'This isn't a bus!'

 Flight flights flying passenger airplane plane aita family family drama

'[I'm] not buying my wife a plane ticket': Spouse refuses to let wife go on vacation while she recovers from high debt

 airport Flight flights Airport flying passenger airplane plane funny askreddit Opinion opinions funny stories ask reddit TSA suitcase

'Why are you carrying 10 packages of stroopwafels to Rome?': 25+ Strange discoveries airport security workers found in suitcases

 Flight flights Airport seats flying seating passenger airplane plane Hotel hotels hotel room hotel guest guests travel travelling

'[I] was locked out of my hotel in 110°+ Florence heat': 20+ Travel trials and tribulations from tourists who couldn't catch a break

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'I [lost] my cool': Entitled and able-bodied Karen throws tantrum over car snagging handicap parking spot, ignoring that she dropped off handicap passenger at the door

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'Every time the line moved and I followed, I would get rammed by their suitcase': Entitled couple invades personal space in airport security line, employees notice and step in for instant karma

entitlement drama entitled people karma entitled reddit thread Reddit funny aita flight attendant job passenger airplane couple - 26157573

Entitled passenger demands middle seat between couple, throws a fit when flight attendant gets involved: 'We had been sitting there for almost 5 hours'

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