
‘She spent over $300 JUST on decorations…': Well-off manager throws last-minute retirement party, requests staff reimburse her even though half weren't even able to attend

‘She spent over $300 JUST on decorations…': Well-off manager throws last-minute retirement party, requests staff reimburse her even though half weren't even able to attend

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New boss experiences consequences when multiple members of their team quit simultaneously: 'I'm giving my notice the next day I work'

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'I got fired over [false] TikTok allegations': Unfair termination of young night shift nurse sparks others to share their stories of unjustly being let go

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'This instructor got such a bee in her bonnet about my boots': Nursing instructor tries to flunk student over their choice of shoes

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'Fine by me': Manager demands nurse goes home to dry damp hair, maliciously complies and gets paid to stay home for 2-3 hours as her hair naturally air dries

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'Fired while pregnant': Mom-to-be nurse gets tricked into quitting, spills the tea on her boss the Director of Nursing and forces her to resign

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Awful Coworker Ruins Nurse's Prospects, She Returns the Favor

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A Few Silly Reviews for a Realistic Geriatric Nursing Mannequin

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Nurse Basically Slut Shames Woman For Her Sexual History During An STD Checkup


Everyone Has A Favorite

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Keg Stand!

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I Love Them All Equally

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That Word Starts to Lose Meaning After a While

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Better than the First Name, "Shut the Hell Up Sucker"