

Karen throws tantrum after local newspaper publishes article about her: 'She tells me I have absolutely no right!'

Karen throws tantrum after local newspaper publishes article about her: 'She tells me I have absolutely no right!'

This Karen needs to check herself because she's not that big of a deal. Imagine your local newspaper publishes an article that, in passing, lists the new board members of the local school. Now imagine that one of those board members, the Karen in question, throws a fit because she feels that she has been wronged. Why, you may ask? Well, apparently, she feels that she needed permission to have her name mentioned in passing like that! Of course, she didn't need permission. She's holding an electe…
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'Just run the ad exactly as I wrote it': Local newspaper agrees to run man's advertisement as-is, costs the customer a job

'Just run the ad exactly as I wrote it': Local newspaper agrees to run man's advertisement as-is, costs the customer a job

One newspaper editor shared a very funny story that occurred at their workplace. It's one of those times where someone wanted to procure a service… but then he declared that he knew how to be a better copyeditor than the literal editors at the paper. This kind of schadenfreude is so satisfying to witness, especially in a career like writing, which is often underappreciated. Lots of people think that writing is easy or fast, and that makes them think anyone can do it. Not everyone can write well…
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‘I stopped coming in one hour early’: Boss gets fired for causing University worker to stop volunteering unpaid work hours, leading to worker's promotion

‘I stopped coming in one hour early’: Boss gets fired for causing University worker to stop volunteering unpaid work hours, leading to worker's promotion

'Enter my boss, who, for a University educated manager of a university group, had the personality of a mid-19th Century mill owner', are OP's exact words when describing their boss, who really stepped on the wrong person's toes when he lashed out at OP when he saw him reading a newspaper at work. What characteristics does such a personality entail? Well, entitled, rude, and arrogant to start. If you'd like me to use some more descriptive words, I'm afraid I cannot… so your imagination must suff…
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‘You can’t publish that': Karen flies off the handle when newspaper publishes her name in print, demands newspaper remove it, boss hangs up on her

‘You can’t publish that': Karen flies off the handle when newspaper publishes her name in print, demands newspaper remove it, boss hangs up on her

Karens with a thin grasp of the law are especially tiresome to employees working who deal with it, and this includes reporters. In this case, OP was working at a small newspaper as a reporter. OP received a (surprise, surprise) complaint from a local Karen who was absolutely livid that her name was mentioned in an article OP wrote. To put things in perspective, OP mentioned Karen's name in passing, so it wasn't like OP quoted her, defamed her, or did anything else that may elicit such an angry…
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A List of Predictions Made in 1923 About 2023

'No more hard work by 2023!': Researcher collects wild 2023 predictions from newspapers published in 1923

Who knew the concept of curly-haired men would cause such a stir a century ago?!
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funny classified ads from newspapers

Wild Classified Ads That Show Humanity At Its Finest

Good old print media.
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Funny news headline fails.

Classic Stupid News Headlines to Start the Day Off Dumb

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news story about submarines in the sea

20 Daft Headlines to Meet Your Laugh Deadline

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magazine covers with funny fails

21 Times Breaking News Blasted The World With Crude Fails And Nonsense

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dating tips from a 50s magazine

This Throwback 129 Ways To Get A Husband Article Shows Just How Much The World's Changed

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crazy weird news headlines

19 Outrageous Signs and Headlines That Got Extra Attention

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Funny headlines of Florida Man's adventures and subesquent arrests

15 Times Florida Man Proved His Title as the Anti-Hero of the People

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funny bizarre wtf headlines

16 Timelessly Bizarre Newspaper Headlines That Demand Answers

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insensitive headlines about transgender couple

Trans Couple Puts Newspaper On Blast Over Insensitive Headline Fail

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nsfw emojis article

Internet's Dying After Newspaper Hilariously Tries Translating NSFW Emojis

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Funny and entertaining failed newspaper and magazine layouts that almost seem like they were intentional.

18 Ridiculous Failed Newspaper Layouts That Almost Seem Intentional

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