
men vs women

Men vs women - the age old question, competition, and ultimate rivalry. Who is better? Who is superior? The answer is subjective and will never be answered, because everyone is special, unique, and better at something. That doesn't mean you can't laugh at people trying to prove it one way or the other though.

No, to Complete This You Need Eyes on the Brain

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The Follicle-Challenged Will Understand This Pain

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Classic Wisdom From Mr. Cosby

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My Roommates Are Laughing About This Over Our 17 Copies of "Die Hard"

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To Be Fair, Russian Men Fare no Better

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Have Fun Replacing the Roll. Forever.

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"Just Don't Get it in My Hair," She Says...

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This Enlightening Cartoon Shows Us Men's Fashion Decisions Aren't Decisions at All

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Should This Offer be Mandatory?

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Bacon Goes Wherever it Wants, of Course

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Women's Fashion is a Tricky, Nuanced Thing

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Simple, but the Logic Checks Out

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One Trip, Always and Forever. It's a Dude Thing.

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I'd Rather be Called to Dinner, Personally

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Rednecks at "There" Finest

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What Does Doctor Who Mean to You?

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