

A collection of creative and mean insults to people on Reddit | two men in colorful eye catching outfits and hairstyles, comment by travalicious feel like this is would happen if pokemon gym leaders were real. person with bright red hair wearing a green shirt mobblele told by fruit man at farmers market look like fox guy zootopia

Rare Insults That Were Creative And Purely Brutal

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Screen grabs from AskReddit replies about the most savage things that teachers have ever said to students | Text - 19h areaditor This happened to a friend of mine In a chem class the teacher was explaining the process by which atoms become ions. He said that metals lose electrons while nonmetals gain electrons. He summarized the point and said: "nonmetals are gainers and metals are losers" after a quick scan of the room he turns to my friend and says: "I guess you are a metal then"

The Most Savage Things Teachers Said To Students

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Trashy police offices searches cancer patient's hospital room for marijuana

Police Search Cancer Patient's Room For Marijuana

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A collection of AskReddit replies to what people see as their favorite Gordon Ramsay insults | thiswasyouridea never, ever, ever met someone l believe as little as you

People Share Their Favorite Gordon Ramsay Insults

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Wtf trashy moments that are bad, criminal, cringeworthy and terrible.

Moments of Trashiness that Belong in a Hot Dumpster

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A collection of brutal and rare insults that messed people up from the comments section.

Rare Insults That Struck People To Their Core

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Red flags when meeting new people.

Red Flags to Consider When Meeting Someone New

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A collection of people share their favorite passive aggressive gifts to give other people.

Good Passive Aggressive Gifts For People

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A collection of AskReddit users share times that they realized they were dating total lunatics.

Women That Mistakenly Dated Psychos

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A collection of people who got absolutely destroyed by the power of brutal words.

People Who Got Crushed By Brutal Words

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A collection of rare insults that were creative and absolutely ruthless.

Rare Insults That Destroyed People's Souls

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A collection of people that got absolutely destroyed by words.

People That Got Wrecked By The Power Of Brutal Words

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A collection of brutal clapbacks that waiters/servers delivered to rude customers.

Savage Clapbacks Waiters/Servers Delivered To Customers

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Moments of people being selfish, trashy and awful.

Trashy Moments Of Humanity Not On Its A-Game

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A collection of brutal insults that ruined people on social media.

Unique Insults From The World's Spiciest Vocabularies

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A collection of times that people died inside, as told on an AskReddit thread.

Times That People Died Inside

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