

McDonalds, America's favorite fast food joint. If you are a Ronald fan, you won't leave disappointed.

You Can Taste the Sweet, Greasy Irony

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Via dannyodwyer
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Breakfast Ends at 10:30, and This Makes These People VERY Upset

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I Heard He Likes Shoes

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Via Whoelseisbored

You Can Get Anything at McDonald's Nowadays

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Via JTS2008

McDonald's is Trying to Remind You of Every Lame Inspirational Facebook Post From Your Mother

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Via Brown Cardigan

Controlling a Satellite From an Abandoned McDonalds

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Via Beta Beat

The Most Romantic Place on Earth

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Well, That's Odd

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Created by kimbesse

What Did You Expect to Hear?

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Created by BradAvery

A Well-Deserved Fate

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Via Izismile
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People Are Still Incredible, as This McDonald's Rampage Will Prove to You

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It's a Basic Transaction DON'T MAKE ME BEG

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Via Tony Logan

No Return Policy on This Tattoo

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Via Google

Well Played

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Via Google

I Wish They Didn't Make Me Wear the Hat

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Crazy Moment of the Day: A Drunk Man Smashes Through McDonald's Glass Door and Pepper Sprays Staff

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