malicious compliance

'These four paid unused vacation days will cost you THOUSANDS': Manager denies worker's vacation, claiming new rule in unpublished employee handbook

'These four paid unused vacation days will cost you THOUSANDS': Manager denies worker's vacation, claiming new rule in unpublished employee handbook

‘They begged me to come back’: After getting suspended for being a minute late for work, employee drops all major projects and causes office chaos

‘They begged me to come back’: After getting suspended for being a minute late for work, employee drops all major projects and causes office chaos

‘Cut the nonsense!’: Entitled customer fabricates an allergy claim in order to ensure a customized meal, chef calls her out in front of entire restaurant

‘Cut the nonsense!’: Entitled customer fabricates an allergy claim in order to ensure a customized meal, chef calls her out in front of entire restaurant

terrible coworkers boss workplace-stories employee malicious compliance praise petty revenge office pranks favorite coworker karen - 24114693

'The boss praised her for being the bigger person': Employee gets revenge on office Karen by using her to become the boss's favorite

'Have fun': Boss lives to regret not accommodating injured worker before busiest day of the year

'Have fun': Boss lives to regret not accommodating injured worker before busiest day of the year

'It was a nightmare living situation': College student averts $500 fine by sparring with roommate, malicious compliance ensues

'It was a nightmare living situation': College student averts $500 fine by sparring with roommate, malicious compliance ensues

'Two can play that game...': Overworked hotel employee gets even with upper management following their refusal to accommodate his medical condition

'Two can play that game...': Overworked hotel employee gets even with upper management following their refusal to accommodate his medical condition

zoom school students malicious compliance teenagers call malicious-compliance-reddit camera clubs microphone public transit malicious compliance reddit train - 24165893

'I turned on my camera and allowed the entire call to see': Student maliciously complies with club rules

'He was the type to always blame us': Store greeter caught on camera giving his coworkers orders

'He was the type to always blame us': Store greeter caught on camera giving his coworkers orders

boss broom workplace-stories jobs work stories job owner malicious compliance snow bosses work malicious-compliance-reddit priorities workplace malicious compliance reddit trucks - 24141829

'Whatever you want, boss': RV dealership owner tells employee snow removal 'isn't a priority,' customers get hit with snow

pro revenge landlord maintenance malicious compliance revenge court innocent tenant petty rent Reddit apartment - 24116229

'His face was so red at the end I thought he'd have a heart attack': Landlord takes tenant to court after failing to pay rent, tenant wins and gets 9 months of free rent

'Fine, I won't save you money': Company denies traveling worker's per diem after he checks out of the hotel early, cue malicious compliance

'Fine, I won't save you money': Company denies traveling worker's per diem after he checks out of hotel early, cue malicious compliance

'You expect me to work an 18 hour shift without extra pay?': Overworked bookkeeper finds a way to get even with upper management after their refusal to allow changes in work shifts

'You expect me to work an 18 hour shift without extra pay?': Overworked bookkeeper finds a way to get even with upper management after their refusal to allow changes in work shifts

storm entitlement freezing malicious compliance neighborhood-drama petty revenge karens in the wild winter Bad Neighbor karen entitled people - 24042757

'Your wife was intending to destroy my water lines during a winter storm': Several neighbors discover the neighborhood Karen is freezing pipes overnight, leaving them without running water

'He lost big time!': Manager fires employee following prolonged illness, employee sues employer and wins the case

'He lost big time!': Manager fires employee following prolonged illness, employee sues employer and wins the case

'You've messed with the wrong guy...': New guy on block gets back at entitled neighbor for confiscating his chickens by calling HOA

'You've messed with the wrong guy...': New guy on block gets back at entitled neighbor for confiscating his chickens by calling HOA