malicious compliance

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24307461

New boss demands new meeting first thing in the morning, stalls production: 'The warehouse workers will be doing nothing...'

'Where there is a will, there is a way': Customer complies with company's demands to return faulty product after they refuse to reimburse him, leading to company losing hundreds

'Where there is a will, there is a way': Customer complies with company's demands to return faulty product after they refuse to reimburse him, leading to company losing hundreds

‘Yes, sir!’: Manager demands team leader motivate an overqualified employee to do boring tasks, so team leader motivates him to quit

‘Yes, sir!’: Manager demands team leader motivate an overqualified employee to do boring tasks, so team leader motivates him to quit

'The shift was completely cancelled': Snow day blunder results in mass employee call-outs

'The shift was completely cancelled': Snow day blunder results in mass employee call-outs

‘Want me to take a message? Sure!’: Coworker refuses to take her own calls, employee maliciously complies and escalates to management

‘Want me to take a message? Sure!’: Coworker refuses to take her own calls, employee maliciously complies and escalates to management

customer support customer service karens workplace-stories entitled parents job malicious compliance retail work customers customer karens in the wild workplace entitled karen entitled people - 24248069

Entitled dude wants to cut a 150 person line, gets shut down: 'A middle-aged man [had] a screaming, crying tantrum'

'Have fun covering my shifts': Supermarket boss declares 'no unnatural [hair] colors'

'Have fun covering my shifts': Supermarket boss declares 'no unnatural [hair] colors,' employee maliciously complies

You want strict compliance Mr. Food Service Driver, you get it.

'I wasn't signing anything until I had everything counted': Restaurant manager doesn't receive credit for missing food from vendor, cue malicious compliance!

‘Well, you asked for it’: Professor demands blind student stick to assignment guidelines without consideration for their disability, student complies by turning in a black piece of paper

‘Well, you asked for it’: Professor demands blind student stick to assignment guidelines without consideration for their disability, student complies by turning in a black piece of paper

'I made sure we had no more room': Flight attendant revokes frequent flyer's upgrade by upgrading 5 more passengers after boss's demands

'I made sure we had no more room': Flight attendant revokes frequent flyer's upgrade by upgrading 5 more passengers after boss's demands

malicious-compliance reddit reddit-thread work workplace coworkers coworker worker employee employees boss micromanager micromanaging manager supervisor revenge payback

'I crashed her computer 3x that day': Delivery driver gets digital revenge on a micromanaging boss by flooding her inbox with 100's of updates

'I'm outta here...': Web developer leaves company high and dry after upper management shut down his concerns regarding launch of new product, company crumbles

'I'm outta here...': Web developer leaves company high and dry after upper management shut down his concerns regarding launch of new product, company crumbles

Trucking company decides to pay workers salary instead of hourly: 'The drivers... started fighting back'

Trucking company decides to pay workers salary instead of hourly: 'The drivers... started fighting back'

Picky Karen does not want to listen to my explanation.

'If you can't understand this, then go the the manager': Picky Karen asks for quesadillas with no cheese or toppings

‘You’ve made your bed so lie in it’: Art student gets even with teacher after being picked on for 6 months, her entire class gets rearranged

‘You’ve made your bed so lie in it’: Art student gets even with teacher after being picked on for 6 months, her entire class gets rearranged

CEO's rant causes multiple employees to quit on the spot: 'Only I know how to run this company'

CEO's rant causes multiple employees to quit on the spot: 'Only I know how to run this company'