malicious compliance

'The guy wanted that go kart': Go kart employee stunned by oblivious customer's odd request

'The guy wanted that go-kart': Go-kart employee stunned by oblivious customer's odd request

'No one here has the password': Network employee gets laid off in downsizing move, company realizes he has all the master passwords

'No one here has the password': Network employee gets laid off in downsizing move, company realizes he has all the master passwords

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25821957

Work demands employee pay for personal calls, employee demands payment for calls they take outside of working hours: 'I should be getting overtime each time I pick up the phone'

'You have decided to fire me? Miss your wedding dinner tasting then!': Phone kiosk worker makes their final day of work as annoying as possible for boss

'You have decided to fire me? Miss your wedding dinner tasting then!': Phone kiosk worker makes their final day of work as annoying as possible for boss

'Sorry Mirranda, I was just doing what you told me to do': Homeowners agree to pave their driveway, HOA still sends violation letter

'Sorry Mirranda, I was just doing what you told me to do': Homeowners agree to pave their driveway, HOA still sends violation letter

'[Karen] got fired for her recklessness': Entitled employee refuses to follow password guidelines, company's emails get hacked, she pays the price

'[Karen] got fired for her recklessness': Entitled employee refuses to follow password guidelines, company's emails get hacked, she pays the price

'Enjoy the wake up call!': Corporal talks back to commanding officer, gets malicious compliance during night watch

'Enjoy the wake up call!': Corporal talks back to commanding officer, gets malicious compliance during night watch

pro revenge neighbors parking space drama parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama parking stories petty revenge neighbor drama neighbor - 25769477

Karen neighbor accuses biker of trying to reserve the best spot, malicious compliance ensues: 'Ok, I'll stop parking both my bikes in one spot'

workplace discussion pro revenge employment issues boss antiwork workplace-stories jobs parking space employment-discussion job parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama work parking stories petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses contractor employment in the workplace - 25778437

Boss threatens contractor's job when they park in the public parking space the boss normally uses, contractor gets even: 'I'm told that this boss gets the say on my contract and doesn't need a reason to end my contract'

Boarding school enforces 33% increased price structure, students rebel via malicious compliance: 'There was an uproar'

Boarding school enforces 33% increased price structure, students rebel via malicious compliance: 'There was an uproar'

'We moved out without telling them': Intrusive landlord enforces monthly inspections, tenants move out, forcing him to scramble

'We moved out without telling them': Intrusive landlord enforces monthly inspections, tenants move out, forcing him to scramble

'Karen had made a complaint to the board': Entitled neighbor tattles to HOA about boat issue, is forced to admit defeat

'Karen had made a complaint to the board': Entitled neighbor tattles to HOA about boat issue, is forced to admit defeat

karen karens karens-in-the-wild reddit malicious-compliance motorcycle motorcycles biker bikers bike parking park parking-spot claim shut-down funny deserves

Biker shuts down the neighborhood Karen using 7 motorcycles to claim every parking spot in the apartment complex: ‘Yeah, all 7 of my motorcycles'

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25748229

New boss accuses sick worker of scamming the company, backfires: 'They were absolutely NOT prepared for someone to know more about their claims than they did'

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs toxic-workplace job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment toxic-work-environment in the workplace - 25110789

New boss ruins everything, derails a high-functioning team, leading to key employee's departure: 'For a 0% raise I'm giving 0% effort'

'Thanks for nothing...': Part time employee fills in for full time coworker, boss chastises him for going the extra mile instead of thanking him

'Thanks for nothing...': Part time employee fills in for full time coworker, boss chastises him for going the extra mile instead of thanking him