

There's a Twisted Creativity in Just How Lazy This Move is

Via jerrylovesbacon

Smoke Detector Fail.

busted copy cubicle fail dangerous decoration decoy FAIL fake fire alarm lazy osha paper signs photocopy print pwned safety safety first screw you Terrifying unsafe xerox - 3567532544
Created by sleepingtiger54

It Takes a True Scumbag to Scam Disability

Via dinydins

What Did You Do on Spring Break?

wtf student lazy spring break funny - 8479204352

Pac-Manic Mondays

art atari boredom creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom decoration depressing dickhead co-workers doodle dry erase lazy pac man passive aggressive retarded Sad screw you video game wasteful work smarter not harder - 3660887552
Created by Megs

Long Term Relationships Are Casual

It's all about the long term relationships
Via College Humor

This Is How You Prevent Injury

injuries can happen at work
Via classylionking

Goes Without Saying

awesome co-workers not basic instructions bathroom cubicle fail cubicle rage depressing dickhead co-workers disgusting fridge politics gross lazy mess office kitchen paper signs pee piss pissing everywhere plea please Sad savages screw you signage ugh water cooler wiseass - 3543740160
Created by Gertrude

He Takes His Work Lying Down.

awesome co-workers not bed boredom busted cubicle boredom desk ergonomics lazy nap passive aggressive Sad sleep sleeping sloth tired work smarter not harder - 3569263104

I Can't Exactly Spit Outside, Can I?

awesome co-workers not basic instructions busted depressing dickhead co-workers elevator gnar gross lazy mess nasty paper signs rude Sad screw you signage spit stupid - 3745598720
Created by Mighty Asian Thunder

Ghost Ride the Garbage

Via Bits and Pieces

This Pineapple Is Not Emo

awesome co-workers not basic instructions creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom food lazy office kitchen paper signs Sad signage stereotypes suicide whine wiseass work smarter not harder - 3714404096
Created by AlephErsatz

Fire Free

art basic instructions boredom creativity in the workplace cubicle rage dickheads email fire help desk homicide it lazy official sign osha paper signs passive aggressive rage sass screenshot screw you signage wiseass work smarter not harder - 3489863680
Created by Rasley

Going to Bed Elegantly

laundry lazy sleep - 8455147776
Created by Unknown

This Man is Our New National Treasure, and Our Greatest Mentor

Via Brown Cardigan

This Guy Has His Life All Sorted Out

Via arvzg

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