
landlord malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit tenant landlords bad landlord renting - 35875589

Landlord demands access to home to paint and sand, tenant makes them regret it with loud grating music: '[My] landlord tried to strong-arm me into letting him into the home'

'He brought down the wrath of the fire inspector': Tenant gets back at landlord for insisting they get a pro to install a smoke detector

'He brought down the wrath of the fire inspector': Tenant gets back at landlord for insisting they get a pro to install a smoke detector

20+ Funny Roach Memes for Tenants in Desperate Need of an Exterminator

20+ Funny Roach Memes for Tenants in Desperate Need of an Exterminator

landlord malicious compliance tenant petty revenge - 35628037

Landlord suddenly makes angry demands after 11-year relationship, tenants force him to follow through on all repairs in return: 'He showed up unannounced, walked inside and proceeded to yell at us in front of our kids"

Tenants feud with former landlord for withholding security deposit, they collect the full amount plus interest and fees: 'Needless to say, we are very happy with the outcome'

Tenants feud with former landlord for withholding security deposit, they collect the full amount plus interest and fees: 'Needless to say, we are very happy with the outcome'

Squatters get outwitted by management company after the landlord hires a professional 'nuisance' to move in with them: 'They were out within a week'

Squatters get outwitted by management company after the landlord hires a professional 'nuisance' to move in with them: 'They were out within a week'

'What are you gonna do about it?': Tenant gets Karen neighbors evicted for blocking their driveway for over a year

'What are you gonna do about it?': Tenant gets Karen neighbors evicted for blocking their driveway for over a year

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'[He said] he's going to evict us because of how ‘ungrateful’ we are': Guy exposes his scummy landlord's gaslighting tactics, rent-raising greed, and strategic naivety on video, goes viral

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Tenant gets trapped in his apartment when a faulty doorknob jams closed, seeks revenge after getting abandoned for 4 hours by the new leasing agency : ‘Destroy your landlord’

'I'm sure the damage was 10's of thousands': College kids get payback on a greedy landlord who wrongfully kept their deposit money by befriending the new tenants and trashing the house

'I'm sure the damage was 10's of thousands': College kids get payback on a greedy landlord who wrongfully kept their deposit money by befriending the new tenants and trashing the house

Couch surfer refuses to pick up wardrobe from apartment, vindictive roommate takes matters into her own hands: 'It's mine now'

Couch surfer refuses to pick up wardrobe from apartment, vindictive roommate takes matters into her own hands: 'It's mine now'

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'THE AUDACITY': Tenant fuming after their landlord's rent collection website suggests leaving a 25% tip on top of rent

'Try and sue us? Get fired instead': College students left in the cold get back at their absent landlord

'Try and sue us? Get fired instead': College students left in the cold get back at their absent landlord

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Exorbitant 'move out fee' totaling $1,484 prompts a renter to devise a plan to get back at her greedy ex-landlord: 'Nah, go to court'

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Tenant and Landlord team up to take down odious Property Management company, claiming almost $10k in penalties: 'My landlord was on my side during the court hearing'

‘Please don't tow my parents car': College tenants parents arrive to celebrate their graduation, landlord demands $200 for 1 hour parking

‘Please don't tow my parents car': College tenants parents arrive to celebrate their graduation, landlord demands $200 for 1 hour parking