

Hiking boomer entitlement kid trail parenting apologize dad baby boomers ridiculous entitled Reddit son - 25851909

'Where is he going that he can't politely ask a child to move?': Dad demands entitled Boomer apologize after pushing a 4-year-old over for being in his way

A dad and his son were out hiking when his son came across a snail. Being overjoyed, the two of them stopped on the trail to admire the snail. Not long after stopping, the dad noticed an older man walking their way. When the 4-year-old saw the man, he excitedly urged him to come over and look at the snail he found. To his surprise, the entitled Boomer pushed the kid down for being in his way. In disbelief, the dad tried to force the old man to apologize to his son. But the Boomer held his groun…
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'He's your son, not mine': Woman adds veggies to every meal to prevent roommate's kid from eating it, roommate responds ‘we need food’

'He's your son, not mine': Woman adds veggies to every meal to prevent roommate's kid from eating it, roommate responds ‘we need food’

Living with roommates is such a dice roll… are you gonna land on a good number or are you gonna lose the game? This woman was renting a house with a single mother and her son. She stated she didn't actually mind living with the pair, as they didn't interact much due to colliding work schedules, but over time, things got ugly anyway. The single mother was struggling financially, but the woman telling the story said that she didn't make a good salary either… so it's not a Robin Hood story. The wo…
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aita reddit metal concert rock-concert mosh-pit mosh moshing kid kids parents parent parenting bad-parents bad-parenting parent-stories children pushy reddit-thread payback security

'He tried to fight... [so] I got security involved': Entitled parents at a metal concert bully the crowd into letting their small children squeeze to the front; woman puts the dad in his place

Metal concerts are intense. For anyone who loves accidental punches to the face, getting their toes stomped, and eating the floor before having a 250lbs man help them back to their feet knows that a mosh pit is not a place for the weak. And it's certainly no place for a small child.
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'The final straw was when she got a tattoo that was almost the exact same as my wife's': Guy breaks up with his girlfriend because she changed her appearance to look like his late wife

'The final straw was when she got a tattoo that was almost the exact same as my wife's': Guy breaks up with girlfriend for changing her appearance to resemble his late wife

So, this guy's beloved wife of seven years sadly passed due to cancer. After sulking for some time, he finally started dating another woman many years later. He loved this new woman… at first. Not in the same way he loved his wife; of course, he still loves his wife, but his new girlfriend was a different kind of love. So, he finally decided to try out the dating scene again, and it was exciting at first. Fast forward, and the new girlfriend starts expressing that she's feeling neglected.
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patient boss workplace-stories jobs child job kid kids bosses work coworkers doctor apology health workplace sick - 22254085

'I was called into a meeting with the big boss': Medical worker with sick child is that their days off are 'suspicious'

Whether you have a kid or not, parents deserve your empathy. Just ask any parent, and they'll tell you--- raising kids is hard, but it's worth it. When your children are little, they require attention basically 24/7. You are always on call, feeding them, soothing them, putting them down for naps, playing with them, and keeping them safe. Parents will also tell you that breaks are few and far between. Since it is such a big responsibility to have kids, some employers look down their noses at par…
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'Phil Collins sang like every fourth song on the radio': 30 Memes that only Gen Xers will understand

'Phil Collins sang like every fourth song on the radio': 30 Memes that only Gen Xers will understand

Gen X , these memes are just for you. You're in the baby bust generation, sometimes called the MTV generation , of people who were born between the years of 1965-1980. Your boomer parents probably raised you to be independent and take care of yourself in life, allowing you to spend all day outside with your friends. You came home when the sun set — no helicopter parenting for your generation! Now that Gen Xers are in their late 30s to 50s, they're becoming parents and grandparents themselves. T…
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Chaotic Father Turns His Son's Crayon Drawings Into Realistic Renderings and the Results are Haunting

Chaotic Father Turns His Son's Crayon Drawings Into Realistic Renderings and the Results are Haunting

This makes me so uncomfortable
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Kid doesn't want to touch cow udder video

Kid Has Interesting Theory About Cow Udder

Astute observation, kid.
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Tumblr user finds exercpts of their eleven year old self trying to rewrite the bible | punkfaery going through my microsoft word archives is great fun because always find wildest shit there and by wildest shit mean time tried rewrite entire bible scratch at age eleven and half punkfaery "And so Adam and Eve were cast out Garden Eden, and Eve turned Adam and said Nice going, loser."

Tumblr Thread: Excerpts from Bible Rewritten by Eleven Year Old

They got pretty close.
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Old news clip of kid on news talking about being the next Bill Gates.

That Time a Kid Talked Mad Crap about Being the Next Person to Revolutionize Computers

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School administration demands a kid with cancer take a Spanish test, so the teacher makes it super easy and everyone passes.

School Demands Kid With Cancer Take Final, Teacher Does Him a Solid

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ride kid amusement park mom funny Video stupid slingshot - 98947841

Kid On Slingshot Ride Won't Stop Complaining About His Nuts Hurting

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person demanding attention by acting hyper masculine

17 People Share the Wildest Thing The "I Need Attention" Kid Did

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story about family demanding free stuff and getting denied

Kid Demands Free Merch, Freaks Out When Company Sends Him Demolished Skateboard

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graduation kid kids swearing teacher cursing Video children - 97829121

Kid in School Swears at 6th Grade Level

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screaming kid scared loud funny Video frog - 97318657

Kid Afraid of Frog Is All of Us Resisting Our Responsibilities

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