
A collection of entitled karens unleashing their wrath upon the world

20 Top Karens of the Year Who Unleashed Their Wrath Upon the World

store managers sings to Karen customers when they throw tantrums

‘Whenever a customer is rude to me… I just sing to them’: Store manager uses a harmonica and sings to Karen customers whenever they throw a tantrum

Created a point-of-interest on Google Maps to piss off wealthy Karen neighbors

Guy pettily trolls rich neighbor Karen who is mad about a new road joining her neighborhood to a 'poor' one

The Karen of my building told me her keycard isn't working. Demanded I fixed her keycard. So I did...

'I changed all of her permissions': Raging Karen complains to facilities manager that her keycard isn't working, he revokes her access

healthcare worker has encounter with extra entitled Karen

'The Karen Blueprint': Healthcare worker shares POV of what it's like having to deal with the most entitled Karen client

I shocked an interviewer who was clearly on a power trip

'Let's save our time and end this interview:' Job candidate calls Recruiter Karen out on her rude behavior

The saga of an entitled new neighbor who thinks she owns the entire apartment building

Update: Ultimate Karen wages pettiest war ever against confused neighbors

'Woke Up And Chose Lying' : Most Unbelievable Things That Happened, Literally

'Woke Up And Chose Lying' : Most Unbelievable Claims, Literally

A collecting of trending and viral screenshots of Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars

20+ Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars Who Wanted the World Handed to Them on a Silver Platter

Someone wants more lights in the neighbourhood

'Congratulations! You have won the Humbug award!': Ridiculous Karen gets enraged at neighbor for not putting up Christmas lights

'I've upgraded to first class. Now move': Entitled woman decides to bump airplane passenger to get to first class

'I've upgraded to first class. Now move': Entitled woman makes executive decision to bump airplane passenger to get to first class

Male Karen things he's entitled to my dog

'Where is the dog?': Entitled Male Karen trespasses on neighbor's property and demands to play with their dog

I was looking up reviews for the movie we went to see last night and thought this was hilarious 😂

Crazy Nun Takes Her Child to a Horror Movie about Demonic Possession, Leaves Hilarious 1 Star Review

Male Karen "friend" who will not be getting a Happy Birthday from me

Attention-Seeking Male Karen Removes Friends Who Didn't Wish Him a Happy Birthday From Facebook

Construction worker goes feral Boston on a Karen, epic justice served

‘I need to park here, get out...’ 'I live here, that's not how it works': Scowling Karen throws tantrum for parking spot, dude already parked there hilariously goes feral 'Boston' on her

When someone asks you to write Your Name so they can report you to corporate, DO THIS

'I'm going to report you!': Karen demands car rental guy write "your name" on a piece of paper so she can report him, he does exactly what she asked