

malicious compliance karen customers customer customer service Retail service industry manager managers work-story workplace-stories story

'Find those muffins!!': Karen customer demands nonexistent muffins, manager demands their procurement

Customers are easily the worst part of any customer service job, followed closely by arrogant unqualified managers. The two make a dynamic duo when you're unfortunate enough to endure them simultaneously. The Karen, an unstoppable force of rage and fury, and the manager, an unmovable brick wall of utter density. Like Batman and the Joker, they are eternally locked in an endless struggle—and you're stuck in the middle. (It's no wonder that, in these industries, you spend most of your time off ju…
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AITA for telling cashier that wasn’t the girls credit card?

Snooping Karen makes teen cry after she alleges credit card 'fraud'

This woman decided to visit an expensive department store and spy on the other customers while they shopped. If only she had decided to mind her business, the internet wouldn't be roasting her ! After a shopping incident, Karen felt justified to post to r/AmItheA**hole – she was so sure she was in the right, but she just wanted to be sure. As she explains the story, she went for a shopping trip in Bloomingdales, and noticed two teen girls who found a pair of super expensive boots , and decided…
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The One Where:The Head of the department did not want her emplovees to show up just to get paid (even if they followed protocol)

'If I was the CEO I would decrease your wages': Demotivational Karen spills the results of employees' anonymous surveys

This department head is unbelievably out of touch with her employees . It seems like the more money people make in their jobs, the more they forget how hard it is to live on a low salary. This Head of Department Karen really hit a nerve with the employees working under her guidance. As she gave an employee update, she managed to say some truly baffling things to the call center team. U/peacesalaamz took to the r/talesfromcallcenters subreddit to share this story of their Head of Department , wh…
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You want the situation to be escalated to management ? Bet. Might f*** up your employment chances though

'Me: 1, Karen: 0': Karen bullies office receptionist on her way to job interview, receptionist gets revenge

The number one rule in any work environment: be kind to the receptionist!
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entitled-idiot revenge public transportation petty revenge entitled bus karen entitled people - 19432965

Toxic entitled individual battles a Karen on the bus

It's a race to the bottom in this latest story of petty revenge… We're all the heroes of our own story, and the mind has an impressive way of spinning a narrative so that it isn't at fault—especially when that narrative is going to be posted online for fake internet points. But, hey, it's my job to farm other people's fake-internet-point stories and give my own snazzy take on it for my own fake internet points—so I shouldn't be one to judge.
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karens aita entitled airplanes karen airplane entitled people - 19483397

'He refused [to move]': Entitled couple steals Large Gal's second seat on flight that she paid for

A woman purchased herself an extra seat on her flight for her own comfort and security. She explains in her story that she is a fairly large gal and prefers using this method when she travels so that she can have a comfortable distance from other people. Unfortunately, not everyone is so careful and considerate, and it wasn't long before an entitled couple showed up and decided to help themselves to the extra seat. The girlfriend was seated next to Large Gal's second seat, and the boyfriend dec…
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service industry nightmares

'Who are the rudest customers you've met?': Service Industry Employees Share Their Most Nightmare Experiences with Extremely Entitled Customers at Work

If you have any experience working in the service industry then you already know it is a beacon for absolutely bonkers customers. You can't be a server, or bartender, or whatever without having several encounters with some of the most unbelievably rude people you have ever met. It's like, because you are serving them, you are now their jester. They don't understand that no, no it is absolutely not. In fact, all of us here at Failblog have our own horror stories from when we used to work in the…
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retail manager work boss employees overworked underpaid karen meme memes customer service

Funniest Retail Memes for Exhausted Employees Who Aren't Paid Enough to Deal With Karens

Can I help you find anything? The exit perhaps?
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karens aita neighbors neighborhood am-i-the-ahole entitled Bad Neighbor karen entitled people - 19465989

Karen blocks Single Mother's driveway, Single Mother calls the cops, Karen demands an apology

Wherever there are parking spaces or driveways… there are bound to be neighbors feuding over them. It's just one of those territorial behaviors that have been ingrained in us since the monkey times… Monkey get big cube of metal. Monkey need place to keep big cube of metal. Other monkey move their cube of metal. Monkey take other monkey's metal cube keeping place. Other monkey mad. This story plays out time and time again, with an irrational neighbor insisting on parking in another (slightly les…
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Cheeseburger with no cheese

'Self-inflicted stupid tax': One cashier's tiny slice of revenge on crabby Karens

Faced with hangry Karens one too many times, this cashier has had enough. As they wrote to r/MaliciousCompliance, u/iceariina often rings up customers who don't quite know what they want. Lots of customers will come in to the burger joint they work at and order a cheeseburger, no cheese . But actually, you can save a quarter if you just order a hamburger. Does a Karen want to hear that? No, they never do! They just want a cheese-less cheeseburger. Since these Karens at the OP's workplace decide…
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"oh that was Katy's job" I'm not sure if this belongs on malicious compliance but I figured people will enjoy this

'Not my job, not my problem': Coworker gets fired for questioning policies, company suffers after no one takes on her work duties

This job seems to check all the boxes of a toxic work environment.
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karens nepotism fired banned nepo-baby karen entitled parents arrested entitled entitled people - 19449861

'Security was called': Nepo baby gets fired from resort where her parents are members, parents go full-Karen and entire family gets banned for life

It turns out nepo babies even have it easier when it comes to getting that first crappy job that we all have to have, but that doesn't mean you're actually going to be successful in the role. These “first jobs” usually consist of a workplace environment where "doing what you're told" is pretty much your only required skill. So not doing what you're told—because you're an entitled little turd of a human being—generally won't get you very far. That is unless your family has enough money and enoug…
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pet ownership aita entitled Reddit pet owners karen entitled people - 19432709

'AITA for taking my dog into the grocery store?' Pet owner berated by fellow shopper and again online for taking their dog into a grocery store

This “proud owner of ‘Peanut’” should spend some time looking in the mirror to reflect on why she thinks herself to be above the rules. What stands out to me the most in the original poster's writing is the line, “I apologized and said the most convenient thing for me was to come here with Peanut.” The most convenient thing for her acknowledges
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reviews karens review funny reviews 1-star-review entitled idiots idiot roasted karen entitled people - 19431941

'I would like to get my refund': Absolute Karen gets roasted by business owner after leaving 1-star review for SNORKELING tour because they couldn't swim

I'm all for adaptive experiences for people with disabilities… but when your only disability is that you're an absolute moron, it's kind of hard to accommodate you. Enter: This guy. The guy who didn't know that he'd need to know how to swim in order to partake in a snorkeling tour. The most hilarious part of this entire thing is that he specifically addresses the fact that he was annoyed the guide wouldn't “aid” him—what did he think the guide was going to do? Operate his arms and legs for him?…
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Top Karens of the Week (February 19, 2023)

Top Karens of the Week (February 19, 2023)

Karens never fail to make a scene in increasingly bizarre situations!
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Can't you just unload around me?

'Her face go[es] to shock as she realized she just did all of that in front of a police officer': Rude Karen dismisses construction workers, proceeds to ruin her own life in one afternoon

One Karen ruined her life in a spectacularly fast fashion after getting into a squabble with a construction crew who was just trying to keep a parking spot open. Lots of Karens mess around and find out, but this entitled mom was especially punished for her deeds! As the OP u/BBQLunch, wrote in a classic r/ProRevenge post, they work as a foreman on construction projects , and were working on a rather difficult project on the day of the incident. As they were trying to block off the street so tha…
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