
karens workplace-stories workplace-story interviews job-seeker karen-coworker workplace job interview interview karen entitled entitled people - 19905797

'Hire me. And then I'll leave': Karen demands a job and causes a scene after being told no, refuses to leave and is escorted out by security

"Sure! Call the land owner!'

'I'm calling the land owners!': Furious Karen demands snowboarding teen be 'banned for life,' until she realizes who owns the property

supermarket karens retail supermarkets karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 19929093

'He scanned his card at my till': Insanely entitled dude tries to steal guy's supermarket fuel rewards points in daring heist

'[She] started poking me directly in my neck, SCREAMING': Entitled Karen  fakes a gluten allergy, demands special treatment, then aggressively pokes server when she doesn't get her way

'[She] started poking me directly in my neck, SCREAMING': Entitled Karen fakes a gluten allergy, demands special treatment, then aggressively pokes server when she doesn't get her way

boss work stories workplace entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 19902981

'Hire me and then I’ll leave': Entitled Karen barges into office and demands job, security guards take her away

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HOA Karen gets entire neighborhood banned from pizza place by giving terrible tip

karens toxic-workplace karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 19864581

Top 5 Karens of the Week (March 28, 2023)

parking-drama karens neighbors entitled parents neighbor-stories neighborhood neighborhood-drama karens in the wild entitled Bad Neighbor karen parents entitled people - 19884805

'I live here!': Karen parks in family's driveway and tries to pretend it's her house

Upper class Karen disrespected my family, then tried to attack me when I retaliated

Entitled Karen Goes Into Full Rage Mode at Movie Theater, Guy Dumps His Water Bottle on Her

karens amusement park karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 19855109

'My grandma says I can': Waterpark Karen and entitled teen throw temper tantrum at lifeguard

karens neighbors gardening neighbor-stories neighborhood garden neighborhood-drama petty revenge gardens Bad Neighbor karen neighbor - 19846661

'Karens keep stealing from my garden': Garden grabbing karens get served when guy uproots the entire thing

terrible coworkers karens work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace fired hr toxic-workplace toxic coworkers i quit human resources coworker karen toxic-work-environment - 19859205

'I quit.' Manager quits after lazy Karen subordinate reports him to HR

 AITA or a Karen for complaining about children in my bowling lane?

'Parents gave zero F's': Kids repeatedly interrupt woman's bowling game while parents ignore their children

customer support customer service work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace malicious compliance retail workers retail karen-customer customers customer workplace karen employment - 19823621

'It's wasteful': Dillydallying customer demands one—and only one—bag from retail associate, gets their wish

amitheahole aita reddit story story entitled ahole Reddit karen entitled people - 19824133

'AITA for making an insurance claim': Internet torn over guy's decision to press charges against good samaritan who broke a window on his vehicle

aita employee retail customers cashier business karen - 19801093

'AITA for being Karen-ish with retail workers?': Customer flips out on retail workers after they ignore him for a half hour