
reddit aita karen karens mom mother mothers parenting parents entitled put-in-their-place drama food-court table mall claim

'Nothing you say could make me move': Woman goes full ‘mama bear’ when a Karen tries to steal her table at the food court; puts her in her place by standing her ground

Karen interaction in bathroom leads to petty revenge

'Because I'm a "nice" person': Holiday shopping Karen makes snide comment to fellow customer, gets roasted in the bathroom

'This lady filmed me': Karen accuses hotel housekeeping of stealing her daughter's things, tries to get front desk agent fired

'This lady filmed me': Hotel guest falsely accuses housekeeping of stealing her daughter's things, tries to get front desk agent fired

'[IT'S] LOOSE IN MY HOUSE BECAUSE OF YOU': Instant karma hits package thief who stole neighbor's parcel, unaware it contained a Tarantula

'[IT'S] LOOSE IN MY HOUSE BECAUSE OF YOU': Entitled thief faces instant karma after stealing neighbor's package, unaware it contained a Tarantula

Karen-customer, rude-karen-put-in-her-place, kindness, kindness-wins

'Because you are rude [and] she is nice:' Karen customer gets told off after employees ignore her and help more courteous woman

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'He was going to know that I hit every inch of his yard...': Lawn care worker gets back at a petty pedantic homeowner

customer service server waiter karen-customer customers waiting 1-star-review restaurant customer talesfromyourserver food service service entitled tales from your server karen service industry - 23513605

'You should be ashamed of yourself and embarrassed': Restaurant owner writes scathing response to Karen's 1-star review

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'THAT'S NOT WHAT I ORDERED': Fast food employee hooks it up, saving a customer 5% on their order; ignorant Karen denies a discount over nomenclature

'I'm so sorry your 3500 calorie meal was missing the side of ranch you asked for': Top 20 'First World Problem' Moments

'I'm so sorry your 3500 calorie meal was missing the side of ranch you asked for': Top 20 'First World Problem' Moments

reddit, failblog, satisfying-service-industry-stories, customer-shutdown, entitled-customer-shutdown, satisfying

'I professionally shutdown Karens & Kens': 21+ Servers share their most satisfying customer shutdown stories

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'THERE'S A HUGE SPIDER LOOSE IN MY HOUSE': Neighbor steals package, gets hairy eight-legged surprise

'I ordered 60 or so sushi rolls because I thought they were [on] sale': Top Karens of 2023

'I ordered 60 or so sushi rolls because I thought they were [on] sale': Top Karens of 2023

'They put me over the edge': Daughter misses Dad and Karen Stepmom's wedding, they never got over it, daughter confronts them years later with no regrets

'They put me over the edge': Daughter misses Dad and Karen Stepmom's wedding, they never got over it, daughter confronts them years later with no regrets

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'Your 4 year old can't play on your iPad during the movie': 20+ Moviegoers who were driving the theater employees crazy

customer service karens entitled parents choosing beggars karen-customer customers influencer karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people choosing beggar - 23473413

'A meal on the house in exchange for Instagram coverage': 20+ Top Choosing Beggars of the Year (2023)

'PAY UR BILLS': Lawn care company gets even with neighbor who refused to pay for services rendered after six months, neighbor files police report

'PAY UR BILLS': Lawn care company gets even with neighbor who refused to pay for services rendered after six months, neighbor files police report