
'Cue waterworks': State clerical worker used to getting bombarded by Karen clients finally reaches her wit's end first thing in the morning

'Cue waterworks': State clerical worker used to getting bombarded by Karen clients finally reaches her wit's end first thing in the morning

‘This is your last warning…’: Guest gets kicked out of hotel at 1am following 'towel dispute'

‘This is your last warning…’: Guest gets kicked out of hotel at 1am following 'towel dispute'

karen karens karen-customer customer gas-station homeless homeless-guy reddit petty petty-revenge revenge entitled entitled-people payback deserve

'Best dollar I've ever wasted': Entitled Karen demands 'handouts' after a generous gas station patron gives money to a beggar, hilarious pettiness ensues

'She started counting very fast from 1-10 [...] I cracked up laughing': Manager with anger issues fires server over hash browns order

'She started counting very fast from 1-10 [...] I cracked up laughing': Manager with anger issues fires server over hash browns order

Traveler forced to unpack every single box after customs officer cleverly complies with his demands to 'proceed by the book'

Traveler forced to unpack every single box after customs officer cleverly complies with his demands to 'proceed by the book'

'Best $60 I ever made': Steak-eating diners get caught in torrential downpour after refusing to dine indoors

'Best $60 I ever made': Steak-eating diners get caught in torrential downpour after refusing to dine indoors

'That's not even my job': Woman demands delivery guy shovel snow from her driveway, he decides to leave her a snowy message instead

'That's not even my job': Woman demands delivery guy shovel snow from her driveway, he decides to leave her a snowy message instead

'Devoted' graphic designer refuses to take accountability for botched project, declaring: 'It's the customers who are at fault, not the design'

'Devoted' graphic designer refuses to take accountability for botched project, declaring: 'It's the customers who are at fault, not the design'

customer support customer service karens workplace-stories talesfromretail entitled parents job retail karen-customer work customers karen-customers customer karens in the wild workplace entitled tales-from-retail karen entitled people - 24475909

'Not my problem, now leave': Retail manager puts Karen in her place when she blames him for her cancelled and unpaid cell service

pro revenge karens veterans petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories petty revenge veteran Horrible Bosses revenge-stories-reddit karen - 24265733

Veteran turned mechanic gets nuclear revenge on terrible employer and his Karen wife, costing him his marriage and business: 'You gonna sue me or something?'

customer support customer service feud drama karen-customer malicious-compliance-reddit petty revenge entitled Reddit karen kevin oddly satisfying - 24409349

'I hope his common cards were worth it': Entitled customer gets lifetime ban and loses $150 for stealing Pokémon cards, unaware they were worth just a penny

'That's $180 of my hard-earned money': Man's car gets towed by company looking to make some extra cash, he settles the score by paying the full amount with one dollar bills

'That's $180 of my hard-earned money': Man's car gets towed by company looking to make some extra cash, he settles the score by paying the full amount with one dollar bills

‘DO NOT use this company!!!!’: Karen inputs wrong address for flower delivery, blames company for the mistake, owner claps back

‘DO NOT use this company!!!!’: Karen inputs wrong address for flower delivery, blames company for the mistake, owner claps back

‘Get up, now’: Woman with disabilities gets told off by elderly lady who demands she give up her seat on the bus

‘Get up, now’: Woman with disabilities gets told off by elderly lady who demands she give up her seat on the bus

terrible coworkers workplace-stories fired petty revenge office pranks employees facebook social media karen - 24280325

'She was laugh reacting at every single photo': Workplace Karen fired for harassing coworker on social media over a disagreement about dogs

'Where there is a will, there is a way': Customer complies with company's demands to return faulty product after they refuse to reimburse him, leading to company losing hundreds

'Where there is a will, there is a way': Customer complies with company's demands to return faulty product after they refuse to reimburse him, leading to company losing hundreds