
worker employee entitlement satisfying job airport petty revenge entitled people karma passenger mildly infuriating entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people couple - 35854341

'Every time the line moved and I followed, I would get rammed by their suitcase': Entitled couple invades personal space in airport security line, employees notice and step in for instant karma

karens meal customers demanding karens in the wild entitled karen story fast food karen entitled people - 35886853

'I think I now have my favorite Karen story': Fast-food customer mocks the manager when she doesn't get what she wants

FAILS humor starter packs starter pack memes dark humor Memes comedy funny karen - 35874053

25 Starter Pack Throwbacks That Are Simply Too Accurate

'HOA tried to steal my car': Top HOA Stories of the Week (July 18, 2024)

'HOA tried to steal my car': Top HOA Stories of the Week (July 18, 2024)

'Looking for a nanny to move in [and] pay rent': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 17, 2024)

'Looking for a nanny to move in [and] pay rent': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 17, 2024)

Employee deals with male karen who throws dirty towel at him, even though his room was cleaned during his multiple day stay

Male Karen throws his dirty towel at front desk employee because housekeepers had left for the night after a busy weekend: ‘We're short staffed’

'[An] epiphany of humility': Disgruntled hotel guest keeps calling with Karen-level complaints, eventually calls back to apologize leaving the employee amazed

'[An] epiphany of humility': Disgruntled hotel guest keeps calling with Karen-level complaints, eventually calls back to apologize leaving the employee amazed

Neighbor gets back at entitled Karen for tossing smelly, unbagged food in her trash: 'I literally dumped the entire can out'

Neighbor gets back at entitled Karen for tossing smelly, unbagged food in her trash: 'I literally dumped the entire can out'

karens front desk hotel lobby late checkout reddit karen hotel employee what goes around comes around entitled people karma pay back karens in the wild justice served entitled karen karma hotel pet fee r-entitled Reddit karen story hotel clerk karma karen entitled people - 35812869

‘If he’d been nice to me, I wouldn’t have charged him’: Entitled hotel guest treats front desk clerk like dirt, gets charged an extra $75 he could've avoided

'Never let someone tell you how much you are worth': Loyal employee gets denied raise and then finds her position listed on a job site, quits on the spot and gets $30k more

'Never let someone tell you how much you are worth': Loyal employee gets denied raise and then finds her position listed on a job site, quits on the spot and gets $30k more

Neighbor builds eight-foot fence after entitled Karen complains to the HOA about her lawn: 'If it bugs you that much, you're more than welcome to do the work'

Neighbor builds eight-foot fence after entitled Karen complains to the HOA about her lawn: 'If it bugs you that much, you're more than welcome to do the work'

‘To think they [felt] entitled to MY money is beyond me’: Plotting roommates try to dupe third roommate out of her $2,300 security deposit return, turns the dupe on them instead

‘To think they [felt] entitled to MY money is beyond me’: Plotting roommates try to dupe third roommate out of her $2,370 security deposit return, turns the dupe on them instead

Karen loses it over lawn mover price after getting duped by a fake ad online: 'Your price is wrong! These are $9.95!'

Karen loses it over lawn mover price after getting duped by a false ad online: 'Your price is wrong! These are $9.95!'

'Ma'am, you have injected yourself into my life for no good reason': Top Karens of the Week (July 12, 2024)

'Ma'am, you have injected yourself into my life for no good reason': Top Karens of the Week (July 12, 2024)

‘It broke my heart, but I couldn’t tolerate it anymore’: Karen manager secretly changes schedule and ‘forces’ employee to quit, higher ups apologize and ask her to return but it's too late

‘It broke my heart, but I couldn’t tolerate it anymore’: Karen manager secretly changes schedule and ‘forces’ employee to quit, higher ups apologize and ask her to return but it's too late

Partygoers refuse to leave event empty handed, raid event, leaving hosts high and dry with nothing to serve remaining guests

Partygoers refuse to leave event empty handed, raid event, leaving hosts high and dry with nothing to serve remaining guests