
'[She] wastes my time and money': Entitled Karen keeps eating roommate's food, roommate discovers her distaste for vegetables, enacts petty payback

'[She] wastes my time and money': Entitled Karen keeps eating roommate's food, roommate discovers her distaste for vegetables, enacts petty payback

Karen attempts to get free desserts from local bakers by constantly complaining about their quality, they ban her from their bakery in response: ‘Sorry, our business is now closed to you’

Karen attempts to get free desserts from local bakers by constantly complaining about their quality, they ban her from their bakery in response: ‘Sorry, our business is now closed to you’

'I need a company that respects [my] time': Job candidate calls out Karen recruiter for requesting information she already has, candidate withdraws application

'I need a company that respects [my] time': Job candidate calls out recruiter for requesting information she already has, candidate withdraws application

 reviews waiters review server waiter customers server life food service food eating dining karen

'My turn to share a response to a Karen's review': Restaurant server gets back at irate customer who posts long online rant about their dining experience

Entitled 18-year-old and Karen Mom keep kicking airplane passenger's seat during the whole flight, he gets even when it's time to deplane: 'Patience is a virtue'

Entitled 18-year-old and Karen Mom keep kicking airplane passenger's seat during the whole flight, he gets even when it's time to deplane: 'Patience is a virtue'

‘We were all RIGHT there’: Woman throwing tantrum at a drive-thru window to get a refund on her food from YESTERDAY, gets put in her place by 4 different employees

‘We were all RIGHT there’: Woman throwing tantrum at a drive-thru window to get a refund on her food from YESTERDAY, gets put in her place by 4 different employees

'My 264 month old child is missing!': Overbearing mom yells at university librarian to go search for her daughter during finals week, gets hung up on

'My 264 month old child is missing!': Overbearing mom yells at university librarian to go search for her daughter during finals week, gets hung up on

employee jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance employee customer service customers customer customer support entitled entitled people entitled parents karen karens karens in the wild karen-customer

Customer complains about internet speed, but it turns out they were getting faster speeds than they were paying for, gets slower internet than they started with: 'It's even worse than it was before!'

karens service industry story hotel guest dinning hotel work server hotel employees waiter funny server reddit karen tipping fine dinning server life what goes around comes around entitled people karma front desk employee concierge pay back karens in the wild justice served entitled karen karma dining experiences r-entitled waitress Reddit restaurant work karen story karma karen restaurant server entitled people service industry funny dinning - 37161221

‘I can still cancel your reservation’: Entitled guest mistreats hotel's front desk employee, winds up getting herself downgraded and flagged

‘She made it sound like we destroyed the place’: Airbnb host charges guests a $70 cleaning fee, then leaves them a bad review for not cleaning up, guests seek payback

‘She made it sound like we destroyed the place’: Airbnb host charges guests a $70 cleaning fee, then leaves them a bad review for not cleaning up, guests seek payback

Family of Karens hog the building elevator, neighbor makes sure they stop on every floor: 'They don't know it was me'

Family of Karens hog the building elevator, neighbor makes sure they stop on every floor: 'They don't know it was me'

'Anyway, I think I'm funny': Ex-husband gets perfect petty revenge on selfish ex-wife simply by being charitable

'Anyway, I think I'm funny': Ex-husband gets perfect petty revenge on selfish ex-wife simply by being charitable

neighbors entitlement driveway work homeowner neighborhood-drama parenting entitled Reddit mom karen son parking - 37113605

'She called ME pathetic': Entitled Karen and son park in homeowner’s driveway, blocking her from getting in after work and claiming they’d only be a few minutes

‘Guy’s face turned red’: Entitled woodworker throws immature tantrum over a policy that requires all $20 bills to be checked, employee puts him in his place

‘Guy’s face turned red’: Entitled woodworker throws immature tantrum over a policy that requires all $20 bills to be checked, employee puts him in his place

employee entitlement job retail karen-customer work coworkers petty revenge cashier workplace entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 37113349

'Traumatizing her the way she did my coworkers and I still makes me smile years later': Entitled customer who always makes a scene gets a taste of her own medicine from retail employee at her workplace

Micromanaging Karen gets bested by pest control worker when he takes out a tape measure and gives her exactly what she asked for

‘My patience was nearly gone’: Pest control worker embarrasses micromanaging Karen who insisted on precise measurements for a yard spray, humorously complies with a tape measure