

Shopper gets petty revenge on toilet paper hoarding karen by pretending to buy all the wipes | r/pettyrevenge Posted by u/ashtins89 2 days ago Screw toilet paper Karen Ok y'all 's been shitty week and just not having anymore last night at grocery store meander through aisles buying my Corona snacks (which already ate shocker) and know need toilet paper hit up TP aisle see six 24 packs Charmin stoked stock and good stuff at There middle aged Karen on phone standing front stack so stupidly wait

Shopper Gets Petty Revenge on Toilet Paper Hoarding Karen

What's with all the toilet paper?
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Kid tells dad about the Karen meme, and Aunt Karen proceeds to get offended after dad tells her about it | r/tifu posted by Bigringcycling TIFU: Telling my Dad about Karen meme My family loves over share. This lack filter sometimes has tendency get people into trouble because not all information is provided

Kid Tells Dad About Karen Meme, Aunt Karen Gets Upset

Dad shouldn't have said anything.
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Grandma with Alzheimers insults rude Karen | r/IDontWorkHerelady Posted by byebyebrain1 7 days ago Don't mess with my Grandma, Karen. XL denotations people involved are pretty obvious so am not going list them Summary: Grandma with Alzhiemers puts Karen her place.

Grandma with Alzheimers Defeats Rude Karen

Well done.
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Karen needs a rental car, and proceeds to assume that a gift shop employee works at the agency | Karen needs rental car own gift shop hotel. This hotel has car rental agency 2 doors down. This agency closes at 6pm time is now 7:10. Karen walks my door, not through shes standing corridor and proceeds ask, nicely enough, if knew where car rental angecy is told her 2 doors down but guys left already and they close at 6.

Karen Needs Rental Car, Assumes Gift Shop Owner Works At Car Rental Agency

No Karen, that person is not there for rental cars.
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Karen claims that a car hit her in the Costco parking lot, and the dash cam proves otherwise | Karen called police claim physically hit her with my car Costco parking lot have dash cam. Title basically says all have an inconspicuous dash cam on my car, because live daily hazard driving city. Yesterday woman walked out front my car side, completely disregarding moving vehicle and fact idk, maybe l didn't fucking see her?

Karen Says Car Hit Her In Parking Lot, Dash Cam Says Otherwise

Oh Karen. Don't even bother.
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New Hire Karen doesn't come to work, lies, gets fired and then uses the company as a reference | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by SumoNinja17 New hire misses MOST first three weeks work, then uses as reference TL:DR neighbor/Karen takes advantage our company with outrageous claims, then uses us as reference get our point across with creative wording. Karen continues use us reference and clueless protected fellow business owners

New Hire Barely Works, Still Uses Company as Reference

What a move.
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Bartender decides to teach a needy Karen a lesson with a terrible cocktail | worked as bartender college years ago. One evening bar tending wedding rehearsal dinner handsome young man approached and asked Tequila Sunrise with double shot Patron most expensive tequila stocked made him and he proceeded sit at bar and chat with rather than go back his table.

Follower Submitted TIFU: Bartender Teaches Needy Karen A Lesson

Tough luck, Karen.
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Karen doesn't get easter decorations on facebook and sends threats | Um okay. Feel free report guess not required hold stuff anyone. And s worth can report not showing up yesterday, as agreed upon only reason knew is because reached out This is an interesting form drama l've never been | Stop threatening 2 call police on just mentally unstable sweetheart and nothing but another Facebook mental case already got screenshots profile so could call UW hospital and report FYI cyber bullying is crime

Karen Threatens to Call CPS over Bin of Easter Decorations

Apparently tensions run high over old plastic eggs?
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Entitled Karen customer wants fresh donuts and this employee gives her raw dough | Posted by filipinopanda This lady wanted fresh donut so gave her oc So wasn't sure if this malicious compliance and posted Entitledpeople but someone said this would be great here. So here is. Also Thank RSlash on youtube making realize have so many stories share. Here's my story

Employee's Story of Karen Who Wanted "Fresh Donuts" Straight from the Oil

She wanted fresh and she got it.
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entitled woman goes on rant after being denied petting a service dog

"Karen" Wants To Pet Service Dog, Gets Rejected, Rage Ensues

A rageful Karen-nado was born in this moment.
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Guy crop dusts a cave, and ends up arousing the suspicions of a Karen in his tour group | taking cave tour and one those really tight places with horrible name like 'Fat man's death' and all hell is brewing my gut. Audible growling like hellhounds begging be freed, loud enough people next get shifty eyed wtf look.

Girl Crop Dusts Cave, Activates Karen, Tour Guide Suffers

She created the ultimate dutch oven.
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Entitled "Karen" steals her co-worker's snacks until a petty revenge note is written | reddit post r/pettyrevenge votedog woman at work stealing my snack drawer knew exactly who she only one who had seen where put them. This woman pain: opinionated, gossipy, lazy, and just all around drama call her Karen knew if approached her, she'd deny get all butt hurt and make scene. Sol let go.

Entitled Karen Steals Co-Worker's Snacks, Revenge Note Ensues

Sometimes a note is all that it takes.
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A bad customer mistakes another customer for an employee who accidentally uses sign language | r/IDontWorkHerelLady Posted by HCA2001 Karen Demands "Deaf" Man Help Her Gets Nice Helping Humble Pie Poster's Note Name Change

Karen Orders Around Random Guy Who She Thinks Is Deaf Employee

A wild Karen appeared!
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Karen ignores her job update emails for years, attempts a lawsuit, ends up bankrupting herself in legal fees.

Karen Ignores Emails For Years, Attempts Lawsuit, Bankrupts Herself

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A collection of brutal clapbacks that waiters/servers delivered to rude customers.

Savage Clapbacks Waiters/Servers Delivered To Customers

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Irritable customers that mistook people for employees, and proceeded to complain to them.

Irate Customers That Mistook People For Employees

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