
'That was not what I agreed to': 20+ job quitters share what made them instantly walk

'That was not what I agreed to': 20+ job quitters share what made them instantly walk

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job retail work coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses coworker employment in the workplace - 24072197

Worker steals manager's chair after coworker is fired for sitting: 'I shipped their office chair away'

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'The company makes $300 a day on this': Servers scoff at the chance to win a $5 'prize' when the restaurant holds a contest for employees to upsell customers

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'You don't have any change?': Customer asks cashier to pay for part of her order

'Everyone's faces shifted... to laughter': Call center boss tells employees to hang up on customers

'Everyone's faces shifted... to laughter': Call center boss tells employees to hang up on customers

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 2315271

'I’m returning the favor': Employer gaslights remote worker into working from the office, worker quits

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Workers maliciously comply by racking up milage when boss schedules unpaid weekend meeting to cut costs: '45 employees drove their own vehicles to the training'

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Cellphone store manager uno-reverses a toxic boss, quitting immediately after receiving an empty threat: ‘Never turned back and never felt better’

'I led that project': Guy puts random coworker down as a reference, she exposes the lies on his resume

'I led that project': Guy puts random coworker down as a reference, she exposes the lies on his resume

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job snow day snow work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 24028165

Manager tries to gaslight worker that there's no snow at their house when they call out of work: 'There is no snow on the ground'

'You can't just tell a customer [to] Google it': Worker records himself getting fired, gets split reaction

'You can't just tell a customer [to] Google it': Worker records himself getting fired, gets split reaction

work workplace coworker coworkers colleague colleagues manager boss working bosses fired quit ceo resign resigned getting-fired

'I cannot work for people like this': Long-time employee gets fired after announcing he's terminally ill, then his loyal colleague rage quits

'Bye Felicia': Insecure boss fires employee for being too good at her job

'Bye Felicia': Insecure boss fires employee for being too good at her job

'Won't let me work from home? Okay, I'll [stink] up the office': Guy requests to go remote due to smelly side effects of medication, boss refuses, cue malicious compliance

'Won't let me work from home? Okay, I'll [stink] up the office': Guy requests to go remote due to smelly side effects of medication, boss refuses, cue malicious compliance

'When they say “nobody wants to work” THIS is what we’re referring to': Boss unveils insane new PTO plan, worker quits

'When they say “nobody wants to work” THIS is what we’re referring to': Boss unveils insane new PTO plan, worker quits

work workplace coworkers worker coworker employee employees boss bosses supervisor manager managers job business company emails email cc micromanaging

'[She's received] 154 emails so far': Micromanaging boss asks her employee to CC her on every email, only lasts an hour