
The customer explained that they wouldn’t pay, and understood now why it costs so much when “your staff aren’t working during the week and only working at the weekends so they can get double pay”

Angry client demands IT Guys work during week instead of weekend, ends up with the business disruption they were trying to avoid in the first place

You blamed me for all of your IT troubles. So I made your entire department redundant.

Karen scapegoats IT Guy for her stupid nonexistent problems, he makes her entire department redundant

He had put a rule in place that nobody was allowed to recycle a broken laptop other than himself.

IT Supervisor "Dave" demands all to-be-recycled computers pass across his desk, ends up with a giant mountain broken computers

My IT Directors emails look awfully suspicious.

Guy Forced to Endure 2-Hour Phishing Workshop as Punishment, Reports All IT Director's Emails as Phishing Attempts

I was told this belongs here. They got what they asked for lol | I had a trophy-wife-client who had a frozen yoghurt business paid for by her husband. They contacted me and asked me to design and build a new website for her business. I gave them a quote and they asked if they could pay in three instalments. After we all agreed to the terms, I had written approval and I received my 33% deposit, I got cracking.

'Here’s 33% of your website. You’re welcome': Client wants to pay developer 33% of agreed price, gets 33% of a website

idontworkherelady tech support it ceo IT guy Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit - 17620741

Update: Arrogant CEO Demands IT Contractor Serve Him A Cup of Coffee, Contractor Walks Out

antiwork manager work it workplace it-manager - 17409797

IT Manager Explains to Clueless Directors Why Abolishing WFH is Causing Staff to Leave

antiwork tech support technology it workplace developers - 17335045

IT Specialist Automates Entire Job, Does Job in Ten Minutes A Day

A glorious pro revenge story about the case of the missing cupcakes. | Case Missing Cupcakes Sparkies Tale had an older Hospital where, over time been upgrading their CCTV, security, door access, and nurse call/paging systems been at this company few years, but they'd been doing all sparky work here over decade, so knew whole place really well buildings people staffs positions and job roles everything worked there lot, so got know drama, politics and secret affairs too Also, voices carry into

Coworker Learns To Not Mess With IT Guy's Cupcakes

Man insists that he knows IT better than the actual IT, and then learns otherwise. | r/talesfromtechsupport u/airzonesama Am Not Good With Comp know better than Epic r/ALL So few years back working manufacturing company as manager. Like many industries had number machines with embedded computer systems sake convenience called these "production machines because they produce stuff. By and large, these PC's are just normal desktop PC's have bunch data acquisition cards them connected PLC

Man Insists He Knows IT Better Than IT, Learns Otherwise

A quick Twitter thread about an IT guy's terrible fail | Vicki Boykis Follow @vboykis This is most terrifying page l've read all week Creativity, Inc. by Pixar's Ed Catmull. Buzz Lightyear Toy Story

Twitter Thread: Panicked Network Admin's Fail Threatens Future Of Pixar

Guy goes full rage mode after getting trolled by other dude who won't explain IT to him correctly.

Guy Asks What The Movie It Is About And Gets Trolled Hard

People are carving Pennywise pumpkins for Halloween in honor of Stephen King's It and these are amazing.

These Terrifying Pennywise Pumpkins Will Send Chills Down Your Spine

Twitter thread about finding the clown from "It" in your kitchen ends up being solid entertainment.

Twitter Thread About Finding the Clown From "It" In Your Kitchen Wins The Internet For Us Today

Image it monkeys zoo - 4217087744

They're Excited Enough Already

cat5 cat6 crazy disaster zone disorganized ethernet gross hardware hell insane it job security mess network networking punishment ridiculous sculpture slovenly Terrifying Uncategorized wtf - 3634339584
