

‘I couldn't believe she got away with it’ : Unhinged Karen calls police in attempt to avoid paying for services, places false accusations on employee and gets away with it

‘I couldn't believe she got away with it’ : Unhinged Karen calls police in attempt to avoid paying for services, places false accusations on employee and gets away with it

There are people that are willing to go to great lengths in order to avoid paying, such as this Karen, who took advantage of an employee at a nail salon. He was just doing his job when she made an executive decision to make his life unnecessarily harder. She ignored his instructions and purposefully kept moving her hand out of the UV/LED light, so her fingernails wouldn't dry. He gently put her hand back in a couple of times, as it is his job to do so, and she lost it. She called the cops, beca…
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'The lady came back an hour later, asking for her $200 tip back' : Server baffled at Karen customer's strange breach of etiquette

'The lady came back an hour later, asking for her $200 tip back' : Server baffled at Karen customer's strange breach of etiquette

Does it seem strange that it's considered rude to ask for a gift back? Not at all, because that is more or less the social norms we grew up on. The same goes for tipping a server at a restaurant, it's simply unheard of to demand the money you gave them back. It happens occasionally, but boy are you gonna get a lot of stink eye for it. This server took to r/TalesFromYourServer to share/complain about something strange and annoying that occurred to her during a work shift. Apparently, a customer…
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karen customer throws insane tantrum at an Enterprise, employee epically denies her business, drama ensues

'Based off our interactions earlier [...] I'm not renting to you': Enterprise employee epically quits after rightfully denying business to a rude Karen customer

“Update: I quit my job at Enterprise…"
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