horrible bosses

'I told my manager, "You need me, I don't need you"': Cashier refuses to sign papers during meeting with bosses

'I told my manager, "You need me, I don't need you"': Cashier refuses to sign papers during meeting with bosses

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'They expected me to work there until retirement': Boss ignores employee's resignation after responding aggressively to their request for a raise

‘My boss ate my lunch’: Employees get even with boss who eats their lunches, boss pays hundreds of dollars to eat leftovers

‘My boss ate my lunch’: Employees get even with boss who eats their lunches, boss pays hundreds of dollars to eat leftovers

'I've usually got like 40 missed calls': Coworkers guilt-trip employee who refuses to answer boss's calls on the weekends

'I've usually got like 40 missed calls': Coworkers guilt-trip employee who refuses to answer boss's calls on the weekends

UPDATE: ‘I got fired’: Boss fires employee for refusing to come home early from vacation, despite TO being initially approved

UPDATE: ‘I got fired’: Boss fires employee for refusing to come home early from vacation, despite TO being initially approved

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'I'm going to need you to step up': Manager demands worker comes in despite already having plans with family

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'Where are you?': Worker quits, boss schedules them anyways and accuses them of 'no showing'

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'I got sent home early': Boss complains about overtime after forcing employees to skip their unpaid lunch break

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'My manager collected donations for me but kept it all': Boss collects donations from coworkers under the guise of helping with a personal tragedy, dips with all the money

'My cowokers... [are] gossiping about me and how I "overreacted"': Restaurant owner instructs servers to give up their tips to save his establishment

'My cowokers... [are] gossiping about me and how I "overreacted"': Restaurant owner instructs servers to give up their tips to save his establishment

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'I applaud your father for... calling their bluff': Employee refutes his job's petty HR team with his own evidence

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'That would be to expensive': Boss boasts about his standing desk but won't let anyone else have one

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'I got a nice bonus': Dude automates both boss's and boss's boss's job, they get fired

Missed out on compulsory in office day because my wife had a seizure. Now my boss is hinting that I won’t get the raise I filed for weeks prior. What do I do?

'I can't believe someone could be so heartless': Boss shames employee for missing a team day after his wife had a seizure

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'He spent the next week driving around in his ice-cold vehicle': Air Force mechanic gets even with Army sergeant with ice-cold revenge

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'I need to get paid on payday': Bartender gets fired and blocked for demanding to be paid on time