

homeowner home renovation Justice-served petty revenge diy-home-renovation contractor wood-floor-installer construction workers - 21560325

'I let him think he got [a small victory]': Homeowner goes MIA when payment is due, wood floor installer contractor gets his money and then some

If you hire someone who quotes you, upfront, exactly what you will owe, and they do the job exactly how they said they would... then you had better pay up. Because someone who knows how to be handy in the home can also be un-handy, if you know what we mean… One contractor shared a story of his early days as a wood floor installer on Reddit . He had done everything right for the entire job. He quoted the homeowner exactly what they were going to owe. He told them exactly the timeframe in which t…
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'I cost them 16% of the annual HOA income': HOA and Karen neighbor dare homeowner to stop their enforcement of petty rules, they do

'I cost them 16% of the annual HOA income': HOA and Karen neighbor dare homeowner to stop their enforcement of petty rules, they do

Neighborhood disputes have been raging over boundary lines for eons and over parking disputes for at least several generations, but recent advancements in technology, making cameras readily available for lower prices, have given us a new thing to feud over. We're decidedly on the fence on this one. While HOAs and their Karen board members can be insufferable and become one of the final bosses of suburban life—let's go back and take a look at the start of this issue. The neighbor didn't want a c…
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neighbors scammer tales-from-the-neighborhood scammer-scammed revenge homeowner nuclear revenge neighborhood-stories petty revenge Neighborhood Story porch pirate - 20728837

'Two weeks worth of dirty kitty litter': Woman gets revenge by leaving bait package for a "porch pirate"

There's nothing more violating than having your things taken from your own home, even if it's just on your front doorstep. For this reason, “porch pirates” are derided in neighborhood chats
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pro revenge reddit-revenge-stories scammer contractors revenge fun-reddit-stories homeowner revenge-stories crazy stories nuclear revenge reddit story petty revenge scams workplace scam contractor - 20688133

'His jaw was on the floor': Small business owner scams guy out of $400, loses $15,000

Sometimes it's amazing just how much force a karmic pendulum can swing back with, paying you back for your misdeeds ten-fold. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/ProRevenge subreddit by the avenger's friend, Redditor u/Three-Nations, who tells the story of how their friend got even with a scammer after the scammer tried to cheat them over a used water heater that they had sold. The scammer came back several weeks after the sale, trying to tell the friend that it was not working. The friend off…
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hoa neighbors gardening neighborhood garden homeowner neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories hoa-karen Bad Neighbor karen neighbor - 20502533

'[His] neighbor decided to take it upon herself to report [him.]': Karen and HOA team up to take on guy who just wants to garden, he gets the last laugh

You reap what you sow, and when you cherry-pick rules, don't be surprised if those disproportionately affected by them dig up some dirt and lead you down the garden path… This gardening uncle became the target of his HOA for violating their 'no fences' regulation after his Karen neighbor reported him for the small half-foot high picket fence that he placed around his garden. The HOA regulation was supposed to pertain to enclosing fences only, but the HOA's strict interpretation of their regulat…
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failblog hoa homeowner discredit-HOA toxic-hoa Reddit homeowners association HOAs - 20093445

'What is the most BS fee or fine that you've ever received?': Homeowners come together to discredit HOAs

Another day, another HOA complaint. Seriously, is there even an HOA out there that is actually loved by the neighborhood? Because right now, we are only finding stories of HOAs being manipulative , power-drunk, entitled, and just straight up a bunch of boomer Karens constantly throwing tantrums. Shouldn't they be working on fixing up the local park? Or figuring out how to get the city to come fill all those potholes on your street? Why is it just HOAs fining people who are just trying to live t…
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pettyrevenge | "I placed 5 vehicles in my driveway." | My HOA will learn that I absolutely live by the letter of the law.

HOA Doesn't Want Dude Parking in His Own Driveway, Blocks Street Instead

We'll leave it for you to judge who is in the wrong here, but there ain't no way we're siding with the HOA. Even still, parking cars in front of your neighbor's house and blocking the street in the process is pretty damn entitled behavior… So we're finding it pretty hard to side with the poster either. It's probably the mounting jet lag and utter lack of sleep, but I'm having trouble agreeing with anyone today. Harassing your neighbor with your car collection and making it, so the street is com…
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'Bro my rent is $2800, I ain't tipping': Audacious landlords suggest that their tenants should be tipping on top of their rent as a gratuity towards '24/7 services'

'Bro my rent is $2800, I ain't tipping': Audacious landlords suggest that their tenants should be tipping on top of their rent as a gratuity towards '24/7 services'

To landlords, there are a few easy solutions for every problem. Leak in the ceiling? Paint over it. Hole in the drywall? Paint. Are paint costs getting a little too high? Rent hike– it's time to charge your loyal tenants 15% more every month for nothing. If you've ever been a renter, you know that some landlords (most actually) can be huge jerks. For some reason, landlords take the ‘lord’ portion of their title a little bit too far and expect their tenants to act as fiefdom under their ruling,…
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hoa land-owner homeowner neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama home-owners-association lawsuit Legal

Update: Landowner returns after 3 years to tell the story of how they defeated a backstabbing HOA and land developer

What are you to do when you purchase something only to have the terms of sale retroactively changed by a governing association? Oh, and that governing association is controlled by the organization that sold you the thing in the first place. Well, lawyer up and hit them with a strongly worded email letting them know just angry you are. After a three-year hiatus, this landowner returned to share the grippingly realistic tale of how they managed to defeat a land developer and HOA who had changed t…
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AITA for not being in an HOA

'I've been getting HOA letters about fees': Guy refuses to join HOA and incurs their wrath

It's often said that you should never make a deal with the devil — and the same goes for HOAs. If an HOA ever comes knocking, asking if you want to participate in a duel for a golden fiddle, you would do well to politely decline… before closing — and locking — your front door.
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gay couple get revenge on homophobic neighbor by becoming their landlord and evicting them

'So I bought their home and I evicted them': Homophobic neighbor who constantly shouts slurs gets served serious karma from their gay neighbor

The gay couple waved a poetic goodbye on their new front porch as the homophobic now-ex-neighbors all of a sudden realized what had just happened to them: Karma.
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karen mom revenge homeowner pro revenge hoa - 17816837

Disgruntled Homeowner Takes Down Fake HOA From the Inside

Where was all that money going?
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HOA illegally fines homeowner, loses in court

HOA Karen Illegally Fines Homeowner, Gets Taken Down in Court

Heck yeah.
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Skulls Appear in a Woman's New Backyard During a Rainstorm, TikTok Finds Previous Owners of the House and Uncovers the Truth

Skulls Appear in a Woman's New Backyard During a Rainstorm, TikTok Finds Previous Owners of the House and Uncovers the Truth

She had just signed the lease to the house and then it rains and skulls start popping out of the ground?? The poor woman was not expecting that.
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A homeowner refuses to be a part of the HOA, so the HOA becomes enraged.

Homeowner Refuses To Be A Part Of HOA, HOA Becomes Enraged

Another reason that HOAs are the worst.
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HOA president gets homeowner to join the HOA under false pretenses, and a masterful revenge ensues.

HOA President Gets Homeowner To Join HOA Under False Pretenses, Masterful Revenge Ensues

Really, a thing of beauty.
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