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'I let him think he got [a small victory]': Homeowner goes MIA when payment is due, wood floor installer contractor gets his money and then some

'I cost them 16% of the annual HOA income': HOA and Karen neighbor dare homeowner to stop their enforcement of petty rules, they do

'I cost them 16% of the annual HOA income': HOA and Karen neighbor dare homeowner to stop their enforcement of petty rules, they do

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'Two weeks worth of dirty kitty litter': Woman gets revenge by leaving bait package for a "porch pirate"

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'His jaw was on the floor': Small business owner scams guy out of $400, loses $15,000

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'[His] neighbor decided to take it upon herself to report [him.]': Karen and HOA team up to take on guy who just wants to garden, he gets the last laugh

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'What is the most BS fee or fine that you've ever received?': Homeowners come together to discredit HOAs

pettyrevenge | "I placed 5 vehicles in my driveway." | My HOA will learn that I absolutely live by the letter of the law.

HOA Doesn't Want Dude Parking in His Own Driveway, Blocks Street Instead

'Bro my rent is $2800, I ain't tipping': Audacious landlords suggest that their tenants should be tipping on top of their rent as a gratuity towards '24/7 services'

'Bro my rent is $2800, I ain't tipping': Audacious landlords suggest that their tenants should be tipping on top of their rent as a gratuity towards '24/7 services'

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Update: Landowner returns after 3 years to tell the story of how they defeated a backstabbing HOA and land developer

AITA for not being in an HOA

'I've been getting HOA letters about fees': Guy refuses to join HOA and incurs their wrath

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'So I bought their home and I evicted them': Homophobic neighbor who constantly shouts slurs gets served serious karma from their gay neighbor

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Disgruntled Homeowner Takes Down Fake HOA From the Inside

HOA illegally fines homeowner, loses in court

HOA Karen Illegally Fines Homeowner, Gets Taken Down in Court

Skulls Appear in a Woman's New Backyard During a Rainstorm, TikTok Finds Previous Owners of the House and Uncovers the Truth

Skulls Appear in a Woman's New Backyard During a Rainstorm, TikTok Finds Previous Owners of the House and Uncovers the Truth

A homeowner refuses to be a part of the HOA, so the HOA becomes enraged.

Homeowner Refuses To Be A Part Of HOA, HOA Becomes Enraged

HOA president gets homeowner to join the HOA under false pretenses, and a masterful revenge ensues.

HOA President Gets Homeowner To Join HOA Under False Pretenses, Masterful Revenge Ensues