

tattletale snitch story hr harassment workplace toxic work work-story reddit coworkers coworker terrible worst comedian not-funny crude joke revenge female male

'He dared you to call his hand; You called and raised': Entitled employee harasses his female coworker gets bamboozled when she calls his bluff and takes him to the cleaners with HR

Working with insufferable coworkers is tantalizing on its own, but when your raunchy, abrasive colleague starts to test your patience with crude jokes and terse taunts, it's hard not to go full vigilante on them.
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roommates roommate psycho rules bad fridge food eating eat stolen thief stealing-food rage revenge petty-revenge petty reddit call-center call work harassment prank prank-call

'I spent 2 hours making his life miserable': Dude gets revenge on his roommate for eating his food; terrorizes him at work at the call center with hours of silly prank dials

There are a few rules you simply can't break when living with another person. Do your dishes, don't throw parties at 3AM, and you absolutely, 100% cannot eat their food out of the fridge. The refrigerator is sacred and, as a roommate, you aren't privy to every resource in the house just because you live there. It's not your mommy's house, you can't just eat whatever is in the kitchen.
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harassment aita coworkers workplace reddit thread Reddit - 16721157

Guy Sexually Harasses Female Coworker With Inappropriate Texts, She Responds Via Work Email With the Messages Attached

When a coworker targeted this woman with unsolicited texts and harassment, she devised a clever plan to bring him into the light. The thread was posted to the r/AmItheAsshole subreddit this week by the aptly named u/businessbittch with the title “AITA for replying to a coworker's inappropriate texts by work email, and attaching them?” It's hard to imagine a situation where you could be “the asshole” for deftly handling a coworker's inappropriate behavior. Still, her posting of the topic was for…
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guy bullies and harasses Andy Milonakis

Random Guy Tries To Bully Andy Milonakis

Tried and failed miserably.
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reddit thread asking if he is the asshole for calling worker chunky

Guy Asks Internet If He's A Jerk For Calling His Co-Worker Chunky

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Keeping it Classy in Italy

funny harassment sign warning - 7896809472
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