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Exploitative boss rips off local teenagers to save $10,000 for a vacation, then gets put in the crosshairs by a furious mom: 'I'm calling the labor department'

There are some trials and tribulations that parents just have to watch their kids go through. Ill-advised bangs, unsightly fashions, and a goofy minimum wage first job are some of the classic ‘trials' that every teenager needs to learn about through experience. But when that goofy part-time job starts becoming exploitative, it's time for Mama Bear's gloves to come off.
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'Say goodbye to [your] college fund': Teenager deliberately disobeys her father, stealing $10,000 for a vacation; dad revokes her college fund

Parents with the means and foresight to set aside some money for their kiddo's education deserve a gold star in parenting. Although college funds almost never go as planned, the idea of a bank account full of cash that's devoted to your child's future well-being is a novel concept. However, entitled children who don't really know the meaning of their parent's sacrifices tend to look at their college account like it's a vault full of happy hour drinks and flashy festival outfits.
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'Ban TikTok': Teen cuts off her twin brother's long hair as a prank, mom makes her get the same haircut as punishment

TikTok trends are usually only going viral because some audacious teenager got footage of themselves doing something stupid, obscene, or way out of line. As a parent, trying to teach your kids between right and wrong is difficult enough, but when all your teenager wants is to get likes on their videos and social media validation, the moral high-ground starts to look pretty lame.
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