
music memes metal black sabbath sharon osbourne rock metal music prince of darkness Memes lol metal head the-osbourne Ozzy Osbourne funny - 17799429

The Most Metal Ozzy Osbourne Memes Gathered in Their Masses for True Fans of the Prince of Darkness

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The Most Rootinest Tootinest Yee-Haw Memes of the Week for the Funniest Cowboys and Cowgirls

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10 Trending Tragic Moments That Went Terribly Wrong and Made People Say 'Well, That Sucks'

10 Top Trending Memes That Are Just Too Real

10 Top Trending Memes That Are Just Too Real

Ah, dad jokes. You gotta live with 'em and you could probably live without 'em

Dad Jokes You'll Never Admit Are Actually Kind of Clever

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Impatient Parker Honks at Spot-Leaver, Takes as Long as Possible to Leave

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Manager Demands Their Inferior Process is Followed, Predictable Outcome Ensues

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The Top 10 Trending 'Scottish Twitter' Moments of the Week

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'It was like one of those ancient radio things from the '80s:' Gen-Z flight attendants call the police because they think a walkman is a bomb

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Funniest Times People Have Tripped up Their Words and Said Something Hilariously Inappropriate Instead

POV: when the songs you sang as a teenager hit a little harder"

Millennial realizes her favorite throwback song hits differently now!

These are the best memes For jaded millennials this week.

Best Memes For Jaded Millennials This Week

"POV: Day in the Life Working From Home"

Ok But What Does Your Actual Work From Home Routine Look Like?

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Misogynistic Stranger Tells Woman to "Smile More" Immediately Regrets It, Others Share Their Stories

For those of you who could use a commiserative laugh or two in the middle of a stressful work day, we've got you covered.

Antiwork Memes for the Tired and Overworked

All-Too-Accurate Memes That Confirm We Are Already Living in a Dystopian Future

All-Too-Accurate Memes That Confirm We Are Already Living in a Dystopian Future