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‘What screams bad parenting?’: 20+ hot takes on what not to do when you have kids

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Top Wholesome 'I Don't Work Here Lady' Stories This Week (April 17, 2023)

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20+ Top Starter Packs That Embody Social Memes

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'I once worked as a professional bubble wrap popper': 20+ unusual jobs you don't see every day

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'Sir, you are required to wear pants': Hotel security guard shares stories of boozy wedding guest and paranoid lady

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'Banana harp': 20+ Musical instruments of chaos

20+ People who are so wrong, yet so confident about how correct they actually are

20+ People who are so wrong, yet so confident about how incorrect they actually are

We have an intern named James. God blessed James with an incredible amount of confidence

'James failed to realize that, even on Casual Friday, American flag tank tops still weren't appropriate office attire': Employee spills legendary intern's office antics

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'You knew what you were getting into': 20+ Cringeworthy Parenting Fails

Bosses of Reddit, what's the weirdest reason why you had to fire an employee?

'Fired for stealing jelly beans': 20+ Super strange reasons people got immediately fired from their jobs

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'I will need a refund': Newly divorced woman tries to get money back from wedding photographer

Don't use your garbage can? Okay!

'You're a trashy person': Neighbor refuses to let teenager throw out garbage, sparking some trashy retaliation

Coworker Memes for Understaffed Teams of Employees Teaming Up For a Game of Malicious Compliance (April 12, 2023)

Coworker Memes for Understaffed Teams of Employees Teaming Up For a Game of Malicious Compliance (April 12, 2023)

'[I] asked why he’s eating my food, and he replies with, “Because you weren’t going to!”': Steak-stealing roommate leaves housemate baffled, thief embarrasses himself in front of dinner guest

'[I] asked why he’s eating my food, and he replies with, “Because you weren’t going to!”': Steak-stealing roommate leaves housemate baffled, thief embarrasses himself in front of dinner guest