

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (February 18, 2024): 'Please be my personal assistant with no guaranteed pay'

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (February 18, 2024): 'Please be my personal assistant with no guaranteed pay'

Sure, desperate times call for desperate measures, but no one anticipated this level of desperation. It's funny to see where the choosing beggars of the world decide to reveal themselves online. It's often on online marketplaces, social media direct messages, and job site postings. However, regardless of what they want and regardless of where they post, these individuals have no self-awareness, too much confidence, or all of the above. The following collection of this week's top choosing beggar…
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Internet debates if using 'stage directions in asterisks' is professional or not

'Why is my teacher role playing with me in a formal email?': Internet debates if using 'stage directions in asterisks' is professional or cringe

The internet is always up in arms about some silly nonsense *shrugs ambivalently*. There are obviously many serious and big issues going on in the world, and it's nice to take a break from those important things to ponder the silliest and tiniest debates going on. This debate was flagged by a subreddit just for drama in the comments section, aptly named r/subredditdrama. The drama du jour was started after u/Justthisdudeyaknow posted a Tumblr meme from 2020. In the post, a student is surprised…
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20 cringeworthy comments, DMs, and texts: 'Bro, how is the shark older than the USA? I doubt the shark has been alive for 2023 years'

20 cringeworthy comments, DMs, and texts: 'Bro, how is the shark older than the USA? I doubt the shark has been alive for 2023 years'

The things people say on the Internet, man! It's remarkable what people elect to post on public forums for everyone else's amusement and consumption. Granted, sometimes it's totally intentional. People who fancy themselves to be aspiring comedians often turn to social media to find an audience. But oftentimes, the funniest Internet comments are the unintentionally hilarious ones. The ones where people forgot they were posting this online for everyone to see. The ones where people shared way too…
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twitter Twitter Thread viral tweets bad day viral inconvenient funny opinions - 24492037

'Dropping my food after I just warmed it up': 25+ Little inconveniences that ruined someone's day

It's all about the little things in life. They say you should try and appreciate the small moments of your days that make a difference, like your partner making you coffee in the morning, or your neighbor bringing a package inside for you when you're not home. At times, this also applies to the small moments in life that are less positive. When you read the tweets below, you'll know exactly how that feels. In an all-too-relatable Twitter thread, user @EastsideTC asked people to share the smalle…
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opinion ask reddit funny stories askreddit dumb funny opinions - 24489733

'Wait, cheese doesn’t come from trees?': 20+ Unintentionally hilarious moments

Although these people weren't trying to be funny , they gave everyone around them the giggles. Every friend group has that one person who cracks everyone up with their lack of common sense or knowledge. We all have a few gaps in our knowledge, but some people just make you wonder how they ever got to be this old without knowing basic information. One person wrote that they knew someone who was upset about daylight savings time. Not because she was getting less sleep or had her schedule disrupte…
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rare joking rare insults tweets viral funny tweets funny - 24485125

'Listen here, you six-piece chicken McNobody': 25+ Very funny rare insults

These people have been blessed with the gift of creativity, and they're using it to insult strangers on the internet . What else is the internet good for if not roasting a few celebs or a handful of your closest friends? The best jabs aren't the meanest. The best ones are the unbelievably creative sort, where you know the person had to spend a few minutes coming up with a fitting comparison. These people didn't just write some kind of lazy quip, they spent time thinking about the best way to ro…
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‘I will never work for people like you’: Manager offers candidate a job after initial hire falls through, as payback she takes the job but doesn't show up to work

‘I will never work for people like you’: Manager offers candidate a job after initial hire falls through, as payback she takes the job but doesn't show up to work

It should go without saying that job interviewers should pay the same amount of respect to the interviewees as they expect to be getting themselves. Unfortunately, that is often not the case. For some reason, the people who are there to hire tend to think they are more important than those who are looking for a job, and so they disregard them, even to their faces. Like the person who shared this story on Reddit. The OP was interviewing for a job, and the interviewer couldn't have been more disr…
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opinion ask reddit work stories funny stories work askreddit louder loud funny opinions - 24472581

'I'm always right': 20+ People who are loudly and proudly incorrect

Say it loud and proud. These people are fine with sharing their thoughts and feelings at top volume. When people state something with confidence, we have a tendency to assume they're correct. We think to ourselves, “Surely this dude wouldn't be loudly telling everyone in a 20-foot radius about his plan if he wasn't correct.” But it turns out that these people are wrong kind of a lot. Then, people who are actually knowledgeable stay quiet on the subject. They don't want to be loudly wrong, so th…
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'Most opinions can be kept to yourself': 20+ unwritten rules about adulting

'Most opinions can be kept to yourself': 20+ unwritten rules about adulting

It's no secret that adulting constantly presents itself with unforeseen challenges. You sometimes wish you spent less energy in school on trigonometry and more energy on financial literacy, taxes, and how to secure work in a competitive job market. Of course, education on how to be a productive adult seems to be the one useful piece of material that is forever absent from our curricula. It's as if some mega-adult out there wants us all to fail. Sure, figuring things out as they go is one way of…
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'I texted my mom… Siri read it out loud': 30+ Awkward texts sent to the wrong person

'I texted my mom… Siri read it out loud': 30+ Awkward texts sent to the wrong person

‘I texted my mom… Siri read it out loud’
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family drama dogs petty-revenge-reddit sisters petty revenge petty reddit thread Reddit Cats funny - 24422917

Woman Makes Her Cats Meow All Night To Get Back at Her Sister for Her Noisy Dogs

Using your cats to get back at your sister's dogs is really putting the “pet” in petty. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/EightBitTrash, who might as well be responsible for the premise of the next Cats vs. Dogs movie (not that there should be another one). The Redditor, who has two cats, lives with her sister, who has two d
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30+ Funny but Scary Cake Fails That Prove Baking Isn’t For Everyone

30+ Funny but Scary Cake Fails That Prove Baking Isn’t For Everyone

They did not nail it.
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‘I don’t appreciate the passive-aggression’: Hypocritical roommate spars with tenants over dirty dishes and petty sticky notes

‘I don’t appreciate the passive-aggression’: Hypocritical roommate spars with tenants over dirty dishes and petty sticky notes

Sure, passive-aggressive behavior is not the ideal way to handle an awkward roommate situation, but sometimes, it's the most effective way to make your point heard. If the person with whom you share space has unrealistic expectations of you, you are bound to upset them. Now, if they themselves cannot meet their own expectations if the roles were reversed, then it's about time to give that person a taste of their own medicine. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/Oomp…
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principal school schools parents high-school mom mother parents parenting teacher teachers school meeting funny lol youthful son detention mistaken old age young

'Apparently he sent me to the office for detention': Principal mistakes a youthful mom for a tardy student, hilarity ensues in the teacher's lounge

Is this a compliment?
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‘Nobody wants to work these days’: The Most Entertaining LinkedIn Posts of the Week

‘Nobody wants to work these days’: The Most Entertaining LinkedIn Posts of the Week

These posts are awkward, cringey, and weirdly motivating.
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'I read him the riot act in front of staff and customers': 20+ Job interviews that candidates walked out on

'I read him the riot act in front of staff and customers': 20+ Disastrous job interviews that candidates walked out on

These job candidates really needed a job, but they weren't desperate enough to stay at interviews that were totally wrong for them. Sometimes you can just tell right away that the job isn't going to be the right fit for you. Most of us would just stick out the interview and call it a loss after the fact. But these folks just walked right out, saving themselves both time and dignity. A major red flag during most job interviews is the ratio of how much you're allowed to talk, compared with how mu…
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