
'But that's my house, not yours?': 15+ entitled house guests who will never be invited back

'But that's my house, not yours?': 15+ entitled house guests who will never be invited back

Hotel guest attempts to rig the system by claiming he didn't check in and demanding a refund, front desk clerk calls on his bluff: 'I can prove you are lying'

Hotel guest attempts to rig the system by claiming he didn't check in and demanding a refund, front desk clerk calls on his bluff: 'I can prove you are lying'

'How many days do we have for a 45 day return?': 20+ Customer questions that were complete nonsense

'How many days do we have for a 45 day return?': 20+ Customer questions that were complete nonsense

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25 Starter Pack Throwbacks That Are Simply Too Accurate

'[He] changed his job title to Ninja Computer Wizard': 15 Odd circumstances that led employees to get fired

'[He] changed his job title to Ninja Computer Wizard': 15 Odd circumstances that led employees to get fired

'Choosing beggar influencers will call the hotel...they demanded a nice hotel room': Hotel staffers develop hilarious scheme to get even with social media influencers

'Choosing beggar influencers will call the hotel': Hotel staffers develop hilarious scheme to get even with obnoxious social media influencers

'He said... my plant was not "food grade"': 20+ People who realized they're aren't dating the smartest person

'He said... my plant was not "food grade"': 20+ People who realized they're aren't dating the smartest person

'If you're buying us gifts, the requirement is to buy us gifts above $250': Top 15 Entitled Karen Brides

'If you're buying us gifts, the requirement is to buy us gifts above $250': Top 15 Entitled Karen Brides and Grooms

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'Pay your parking fee before existing': 45 Design fails that were total flops

15+ Fashion Flops That Prove Inner Beauty Really Is More Important

15+ Fashion Flops That Prove Inner Beauty Really Is More Important

'Jack the Jacket Man': 20 Final bosses who shall not let you pass

'Jack the Jacket Man': 20 Final bosses who shall not let you pass

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20+ Hilarious work fails these employees made on the job: 'I felt like such an idiot'

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‘You want a ride? This is the one you’re getting': Sister takes a scenic route to teach her entitled little brother a lesson after he repeatedly demands a ride home from work

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''Turn my service off RIGHT NOW'... Ok': Customer service agent uses malicious compliance to force the hand of a money-grubbing customer, proving a point with one fell swoop

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'Never again would I have to pay the $45': Guy floods the parking enforcement office with busy work, making himself immune to late fees while wreaking havoc

'[She]... asked if Mickey Mouse was a cat or a dog': 25+ Odd musings from people who were wildly misinformed

'[She]... asked if Mickey Mouse was a cat or a dog': 25+ Odd musings from people who were wildly misinformed