
'If you're reading this note, they didn't change the sheets': 25+ Hotel snafus that left guests steaming mad

'If you're reading this note, they didn't change the sheets': 25+ Hotel snafus that left guests steaming mad

‘I got cheated out of my raise’: Employee gets snubbed by boss who refuses to approve their raise, they go over boss's head and report him as payback

‘I got cheated out of my raise’: Employee gets snubbed by boss who refuses to approve their raise, they go over boss's head and report him as payback

'Worst that happens is nothing': After getting rejected from a job, man sends an email to recruiter disagreeing with their decision, causing recruiter to retract the rejection

'Worst that happens is nothing': After getting rejected from a job, man sends an email to recruiter disagreeing with their decision, causing recruiter to retract the rejection

'Consider this a warning [...] oops sorry, wrong person': Top 20+ baffling text messages and wrong numbers

'Consider this a warning [...] oops sorry, wrong person': Top 20+ baffling text messages and wrong numbers

Company sends warning emails to employees who are ‘mouse jiggling’ instead of working, causing employees to look for other ways to avoid work: ‘I hope they are bluffing'

Company sends warning emails to employees who are ‘mouse jiggling’ instead of working, causing employees to look for other ways to avoid work: ‘I hope they are bluffing'

Top 20 Poorly Constructed Kitchens, Bathrooms, and Public Places

Top 20 Poorly Constructed Kitchens, Bathrooms, and DIY Projects

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'We all do it, but don't TELL them': Woman spends first date listing off her date's personal information, date feels like their "privacy was violated"

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'She was mortified, caught in the act': Employees Share Satisfying Revenge Stories of What Happened to the Office Food Thief

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'Here's where it gets petty': Early riser gets revenge on a reckless driver by spam-calling the number on his SUV's 'For Sale' sign at the crack of dawn

'A cook… once served "rare" chicken': 25+ People who were staggeringly under-informed

'A cook… once served "rare" chicken': 25+ People who were staggeringly under-informed

'I very sternly requested that they arrest my mother': 20+ Kids who called 911 for the silliest reasons

'I very sternly requested that they arrest my mother': 20+ Kids who called 911 for the silliest reasons

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'Be quiet? Okay': Employee goes ‘ninja mode’ after his supervisor wrongfully complains that he's too noisy, jump-scaring every coworker, customer, and manager in the workplace

‘They thought they were being smart’: Entitled diners get kicked out of restaurant after server catches them bringing outside drinks and disguise them as the restaurant's

‘They thought they were being smart’: Entitled diners get kicked out of restaurant after server catches them bringing outside drinks and disguise them as the restaurant's

'On Mondays, I would show up to work on and not do anything': 20+ Workers who couldn't stay professional on the job

'On Mondays, I would show up to work on and not do anything': 20+ Workers who couldn't stay professional on the job

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23 Work posts for the employees who need a meme break to get through the workday (August 5, 2024)

'Did we mention we've got bedbugs?':15+ Homes that people will never visit a second time

'Did we mention we've got bedbugs?': 15+ Homes that people will never visit a second time