

'I have no clue [why I was fired.]': Experienced barista gets inexplicably fired after first day at new job

'I have no clue [why I was fired.]': Experienced barista gets inexplicably fired after first day at new job

Starting a new job is always tough. Sure, you might have tons of knowledge and industry experience, but there's always a different way of doing the same old thing at every new organization you walk into. You might think that a square peg would always just fit into the square hole, but your new job may require you to revolve the square 360 degrees clockwise, counterclockwise, and then on a vertical axis—all before putting it in the same square hole you always did before. Sure, it may be stupid,…
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getting fired antiwork workplace-stories firing in-the-workplace jobs now hiring fired toxic-workplace workplace-story toxic toxic-boss employment-issues workplace toxic-work-environment - 20909317

'I was fired after this': Worker fired for missing work due to injury sustained from shoplifter

You might think that being injured while trying to defend your company's property would get you a warm thanks and a pat on the back, at the very least… and definitely not a swift kick out the door. But chasing down someone who has nothing to lose is dangerous and not a risk worth taking—and (hopefully) not a risk your employer wants to take liability for. For that reason, most businesses often have rules about not engaging with shoplifters, thieves, and other criminals—even for security guards,…
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firing school jobs fired toxic-workplace job teaching teachers teacher employees workplace unemployment unemployed employment - 20850437

'Now they want a resignation notice': Teacher gets fired, then ordered to submit a resignation

Getting fired sucks; having your means of income suddenly dissipate leaves you in a pretty vulnerable situation, forcing you to dig into your savings in order to keep yourself afloat—which, considering how hard it is to save at the moment… probably doesn't leave you with a lot. Luckily, there's unemployment (if you uniquely qualify), which can help bridge the gap and keep you off the streets while you find new work, which your previous employer must pay a part of—unless they can devise a way to…
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terrible coworkers workplace-stories firing employee fired malicious compliance work employees workplace employment - 20851461

'Forget everything about this place': Employee threatened with lawsuit for not helping their employer 10 years after being fired

Usually, when you leave a job, it's with the expectation that you'll never have to deal with anything to do with that job again. After years of fretting and toiling over your tasks, it's a type of freedom—even if things ended poorly or you got fired, you at least have the peace of mind that you're not going to have to worry about that place or its people any longer. Sure, you might catch up with your favorite coworkers from time to time and see how they're doing, you might even end up working w…
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‘I’m getting fired': Employee finds out boss intends to fire them after stumbling across job listing, boss offers new hire $5 rate increase despite initially refusing to give employee raise

‘I’m getting fired': Employee finds out boss intends to fire them after stumbling across job listing, boss offers new hire $5 rate increase despite initially refusing to give employee raise

Not only is approaching your boss and asking for a raise legitimate, but it is also inevitable, especially when you find yourself doing many more tasks than your original job description entailed. Unfortunately for OP, they were denied a $1 raise from their boss, even though they were working two job descriptions instead of one. OP had no choice but to look for another job in addition to the one they were already doing. Lo and behold, OP's company was more than willing to pay that extra dollar,…
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‘My boss messed up’: Driver finds out he's getting fired via group chat boss forgot he's a part of

‘My boss messed up’: Driver finds out he's getting fired via group chat boss forgot he's a part of

Every workplace has some kind of group chat, and you'd assume managers would check the members before spreading information about someone getting fired beforehand, but alas, in this case, they did not. OP found out that he was going to be fired in 3 weeks after his boss forgot that he was actually included in the group chat. OP was working as a driver for the company and had been accused of breaking something that according to him, was already breaking since he had started working. The reason t…
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UPDATE: ‘I got fired’: Boss fires employee for refusing to come home early from vacation, despite TO being initially approved

UPDATE: ‘I got fired’: Boss fires employee for refusing to come home early from vacation, despite TO being initially approved

The restaurant industry is known for being fickle; if a few coworkers call in sick, you're gonna find yourself in a bit of a pickle… that is, as a manager. But as someone in a management position, that is your problem; not the other employees' issue. In this case, OP's boss initially approved their vacation but quickly backpedaled when it became apparent that they had granted time off to too many other employees, meaning that now they were short-staffed. Tough luck, as OP was already on their v…
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workplace-stories firing in-the-workplace fired toxic-workplace workplace-story tales-from-the-workplace coworkers restaurant toxic-boss food service service workplace employment service industry - 20727813

'I don't work Mondays': Server gets fired for missing "mandatory" Memorial Day shift while on scheduled vacation

One of the worst parts about working in the service industry or retail is “blackout” dates—where no one is able to take days off—these always line up with precisely the days you'd want to take off. Holidays, long weekends, and anytime between Christmas and New Years—pretty much any time you might want to see family or friends (who are all off work.) These have all been deemed as days where all hands are needed on deck due to high volumes of trade. But the worst part about blackout dates?.. Hypo…
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stories-from-home-owners firing liar on the job fired renovations home-owning lying liars home-owner-stories workers contractor blue collar home owner home construction workers - 20196357

'Call you as soon as I leave the ER': Contractor fakes injury using a photo from the internet to avoid working, gets fired

Contractors have a certain reputation, and while that might not be fair to all contractors and may have more to do with the complicated challenges of sourcing the correct materials in reasonable timeframes, this stereotype exists for a reason. Everyone has had that experience or knows someone who has had that experience with a contractor who repeatedly fails to meet deadlines, fails to communicate, and sometimes just plain fails to show up when everything is already ready to go. Some contractor…
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customer service karens workplace-stories talesfromretail firing idontworkherelady fired karen-manager manager retail work working the-retail-life karen-coworker managers retail-stories working retail karen - 20677125

'Forget it, you're fired!': Dude gets fired from a store where he didn't even work

It should be understood, at this point, that straying into a store with a uniform consisting solely of a specifically colored shirt—whilst wearing that same color of shirt—is a risky move. It should also be understood that even wearing a similar color shirt is likely to attract every Karen and disgruntled manager within a 100-meter radius. If you choose to do this, you do so at your own peril, but at least you can write a story about it later to share online. This guy happened to stray into a l…
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‘I got my boss fired’: Boss tells employee to ‘stay in the office’, employee complies, boss gets fired as a result

‘I got my boss fired’: Boss tells employee to ‘stay in the office’, employee complies, boss gets fired as a result

Management naturally steers towards less actual work by ordering employees around rather than stepping up and doing what is needed for the role. So it isn't surprising when some employees begin holding a vendetta. This corporate manager got his own personal annual goals and sent them off to OP, his employee, adding to his long list of responsibilities. Every year, the manager would unfairly get a bonus for OP's hard work. In order to deliver results, OP had to leave his desk at times, even the…
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customer service work-story workplace-stories firing jobs fired wrongful-termination toxic-workplace workplace-story bartenders workplace Horrible Bosses bartender employment service industry - 19421189

'I need to get paid on payday': Bartender gets fired and blocked for demanding to be paid on time

Remember that one kid from your high school English class who treated everything like it was a complete joke—to the point of cruelty—never taking or accepting responsibility for any of his actions? Yeah, well, that kid could have very likely gone on to become someone's manager or open their own business. Now there's a terrifying thought. It's like George Carlin famously put it: “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” Well, this bar owner and…
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'Our cars were mysteriously keyed': 10+ Tales of job firings

'Our cars were mysteriously keyed': 10+ Tales of job firings gone completely wrong

No one ever wants to have these types of conversations. Getting fired is one of the worst feelings out there, and not everyone handles rejection well. While most people doing the firing probably don't want to, they still have to deal with the crazy aftermath. As these people shared in their stories below, some folks just loose their entire mind when they're let go from their job. One particularly glorious tale is a brother and sister who were both working at the same restaurant when the brother…
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‘I was denied a raise, so I called the IRS': Employee finds out boss's unemployed wife makes $60,000, contacts IRS after being denied raise

‘I was denied a raise, so I called the IRS': Employee finds out boss's unemployed wife makes $60,000, contacts IRS after being denied raise

Employees are constantly being denied raises in salary due to 'tough times', but often companies can very much afford to give employees more money; it's just that they have hidden expenses that they don't necessarily broadcast in the company group chat. Such as 60k salaries to bosses' wives who don't even have a job, let alone work at the company. Yep, in this case, OP took to r/antiwork and expressed his dismay when he found out that one of his boss's wives was receiving a salary of 60k, despi…
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'They were all fired': CEO gets $7.5 million bonus one day after laying off 1,200 employees

'They were all fired': CEO gets $7.5 million bonus one day after laying off 1,200 employees

It has become an unfortunate standard practice for companies to lay off a handful (or two) of employees, show investors a speckless graph, and give themselves bonuses. CEOs, board directors, and management, in general, are becoming greedier as time goes on, and are also becoming less ashamed about it. The polite thing to do would be to hide such avarice, but the fact of the matter is, they just don't care. And how could they? They're not even seeing the people they fire face to face; they send…
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workplace-stories firing in-the-workplace fired toxic-workplace workplace-story terrible-bosses tales-from-the-workplace i quit quit arrested workplace Horrible Bosses quitting - 20489221

'I quit and they tried to get me arrested!': Boss tries to saddle worker with $30,000 theft after they fire them while working the store alone

Quitting a job is stressful and can lead your imagination to anticipate a myriad of possible terrible outcomes. The worst case scenario would probably be your current boss being secret best friends with your new one, prompting them to call your new boss and tell them not to hire you before firing you on the spot. Yes, it's unlikely can happen while working in small towns and close-knit industries—or when you're leaving a company to work for their major supplier. Still, despite wild imagination,…
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