
‘My boss messed up’: Driver finds out he's getting fired via group chat boss forgot he's a part of

‘My boss messed up’: Driver finds out he's getting fired via group chat boss forgot he's a part of

UPDATE: ‘I got fired’: Boss fires employee for refusing to come home early from vacation, despite TO being initially approved

UPDATE: ‘I got fired’: Boss fires employee for refusing to come home early from vacation, despite TO being initially approved

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'I don't work Mondays': Server gets fired for missing "mandatory" Memorial Day shift while on scheduled vacation

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'Call you as soon as I leave the ER': Contractor fakes injury using a photo from the internet to avoid working, gets fired

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'Forget it, you're fired!': Dude gets fired from a store where he didn't even work

‘I got my boss fired’: Boss tells employee to ‘stay in the office’, employee complies, boss gets fired as a result

‘I got my boss fired’: Boss tells employee to ‘stay in the office’, employee complies, boss gets fired as a result

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'I need to get paid on payday': Bartender gets fired and blocked for demanding to be paid on time

'Our cars were mysteriously keyed': 10+ Tales of job firings

'Our cars were mysteriously keyed': 10+ Tales of job firings gone completely wrong

‘I was denied a raise, so I called the IRS': Employee finds out boss's unemployed wife makes $60,000, contacts IRS after being denied raise

‘I was denied a raise, so I called the IRS': Employee finds out boss's unemployed wife makes $60,000, contacts IRS after being denied raise

'They were all fired': CEO gets $7.5 million bonus one day after laying off 1,200 employees

'They were all fired': CEO gets $7.5 million bonus one day after laying off 1,200 employees

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'I quit and they tried to get me arrested!': Boss tries to saddle worker with $30,000 theft after they fire them while working the store alone

‘I fired him, just like you asked’: Customer begs manager to rehire worker who was fired per his request after delivering wrong $8 item

‘I fired him, just like you asked’: Customer begs manager to rehire worker who was fired per his request after delivering wrong $8 item

Ridiculous Manager won't accept that employee is resigning | Posted by u/Iquitscrewyou 20 hours ago AITA walking out after boss tried refuse accept my resignation? Not hole had boss who real turd. He labored under delusion he an excellent boss and couldn't put together his behavior and crappy pay why he had such hard time keeping employees. He also thought acceptable call his female employees hun, sweetie, and sugar. He condescending asswipe who consistently passed over more qualified women

Delusional Manager Won't Accept Resignation

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Oooh Fun I Love Contests

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Break Room Offenses Are Firing Offenses

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Hell of a Way to Go