

'Her "perfecting the recipe" ended up with this result': Woman tells MIL she does not enjoy her signature mac and cheese dish

'Her "perfecting the recipe" ended up with this result': Woman tells MIL she despises her signature mac and cheese dish

Think of the most off-the-wall way you could make pasta… and it's still not as odd as this MIL's custom recipe . This woman and her husband have a great relationship with his parents. But now that the OP, u/NecessaryAct35, is pregnant, she's finding herself unable to eat the food that her mother in law has been making…and she may have a good reason why. The issue with this mother in law's mac and cheese dish is that she seems to have added far too many ingredients into the mix. Of course, depen…
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‘Don’t You Know Who I Am?’ : Entitled Rich/Famous Customers Who Are Total Karens to Servers and Tip Horribly

‘Don’t You Know Who I Am?’ : Entitled Rich/Famous Customers Who Are Total Karens to Servers and Tip Horribly

When you work in the service industry, you really get to see a different face of mankind, and it ain't pretty. The entire human population should work at least one week in customer service, in the hopes that it would influence them (AKA drive them crazy) enough that in the future, they treat people with kindness and respect. Alas, a lot of dude/ttes treat others miserably regardless of how rich and famous they are, because the fact of the matter is, people suck. If we're to talk about the custo…
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AITA for asking questions about my co worker's daughter

Employee Asks Cringy Questions to Coworker About His Famous Daughter

Where is HR when you need it?
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People that knew celebs before they were famous share their stories | Patrick_B8man 1d My father is long haul trucker, knew James Cameron his 20s he trucker too. Said guy always insanely smart and would go out and basically take every engine apart and put back together so if needed rig fixing and he around search him out. They stayed friends and actually got visit him LA over Xmas once, now live Europe so don't think they talk much, but he's really smart, and intense, although not expected him b

AskReddit Thread: People That Knew Celebs Before They Were Famous

Real or not these were fun.
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People on Twitter describe their funniest minute of fame stories | Jessie Cannizzaro @JessCannizzaro Replying JessCannizzaro and @chrissyteigen Also my brother and were on an R.L. Stine book 5 wasn't supposed be, but girl who hired didn't show up shoot? Anyway had R.L. Stine sign us at Comic Con once and he said "This is awesome and don't remember Ah, fame is fickle! TEAR STREET SAGAS RESTINE AUTOGRAPHING Fod OGRAPHING ABLE 11 fndcop COMCON PoucON TABLE 12 doo pe Fedpop FOMICCON Innocent or evil

Twitter Thread: People's Funniest Minutes Of Fame

Fame is a tricky thing.
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People describe their nicest or most unpleasant encounters with celebs | WatchTheBoom 20h 2 Awards ran into Adam Sandler outside Planet Fitness Brooklyn early 2016. As leaving Planet Fitness looked like he walking made eye contact, so stopped and held door him. He got door and stopped right before he walked through one those fake poses little kids make tell them freeze stood there holding door, plenty confused about five seconds just stood there- him, motionless and standing there holding door.

People's Really Nice Or Horrible Celeb Encounters

Paul Rudd sounds like a great dude.
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A celebrity filled video of them singing "Imagine" ends up inspiring multiple parodies | Pablo S. Torre @PabloTorre Pls excuse while recruit dozen celebrities whisper-sing End" by Linkin Park into their cell phone cameras

Celeb-Filled "Imagine" Video Inspires Parodies

The reception by people on Twitter was across the board.
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Tweets from various people explaining how they got blocked by famous people | William Shatner @WilliamShatner blocked. vincesrocks Replying vincesrocks and @bertkreischer cause William Shatner @WilliamShat And am not guy green lit Eps 1-3! U Linda Sue @hyannis1952 Replying WilliamShatner This will get some annoyed Star Wars fans Vince @rottenzombiehug directed Star Trek V.

Ways People Got Blocked By Famous People

Sucks to be the straw that broke the camel's back.
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Music FAIL famous old lady ridiculous Subway funny Video Jay Z - 96174849

Jay Z Rides The Subway And Old Woman Has No Idea Who He Is

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surprising twitter famous social media celeb funny - 7798789

17 Starstruck Fans Who Had Dreamlike Celebrity Encounters

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tumblr story

Tumblr Regails Bean-Tastic Story of Multimillionaire Artist Who Bought the Rights to Vantablack

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