family drama

'They had no idea I understood every word' : Rude customers fat-shame bridal stylist in Spanish, unaware she speaks the language, leading to petty revenge

'They had no idea I understood every word' : Rude customers fat-shame bridal stylist in Spanish, unaware she speaks the language, leading to petty revenge

AITA: ‘She’s not smart enough' : Father refuses to pay for daughter's education, calls University of Cambridge ‘foreign’, demands she study in 'America'

AITA: ‘She’s not smart enough' : Father refuses to pay for daughter's education, calls University of Cambridge ‘foreign’, demands she study in 'America'

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'This is my natural hair color': Messy hair dye fail after pathological liar refuses to admit she had her hair bleached

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'[She] slammed it 5 times as hard as she could': Rebellious teenager keeps slamming door, parents take the door off the frame

'I got my sister's account suspended' : Brother takes petty revenge on entitled influencer sister for adding him to her viral cooking videos without his consent, leading to family drama

'I got my sister's account suspended' : Brother takes petty revenge on entitled influencer sister for adding him to her viral cooking videos without his consent, leading to family drama

Update: AITA for setting boundaries with my stepson

Update! ‘What? AITA did good?’: Stepdad makes amends with son after getting eviscerated online

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'YTA. Holy moly': Woman roasted online for 'cruel' remark about SIL's miscarriages, husband attempts to redeem her and receives the same treatment.

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Update!.. 'Suck it up': Bride accuses cousin of show-stealing for suffering an anaphylactic allergic reaction at their wedding

AITA for telling my brother’s wife that she is a stuck up b****?

'I refused to apologize': Guy unleashes wrath upon socially awkward sister-in-law, calls her stuck up

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'UPDATE: My Parents went ballistic': Twin steals coveted baby name of dead friend, internet sides with them before things boil over

AITA for screaming at my sister after announcing my pregnancy

'She LIED about the pregnancy': Woman makes fake pregnancy announcement at family gathering to steal her sister's thunder

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'Do you support me marrying Derrick?': Young twentysomething gets engaged after 6 months, cuts off sister for voicing concerns

AITA for asking my BFs brother for a chance of a iob when I'm desperate?

'He said I had a work ethic and attitude problem and I didn't get fired for nothing': Entitled woman demands job from BF's brother, keeps getting rejected

AITA for sending my niece to go live with her other uncle?

'I told her to go pack a bag': Uncle kicks niece out of his house for a week to stay with her other uncle, gets roasted in the comments

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Top Trending Entitled Moms of the Week (February 2, 2023)

AITA wasting money on a bathroom and not helping my brother.

'You aren't his ATM': Dude refuses to lend money to overspending brother, but their mother disagrees