

Bike Association FAIL

acronym bike failboat innuendo sticker - 5384796928
See all captions Created by Breonna B.

Probably Bad News: With Friends Like These...

bet failboat friendship g rated Probably bad News stuck - 5385465600
See all captions Created by Aprillfools

Autocomplete Me: Just Trust Us on This One

Autocomplete Me awesome failboat google g rated - 5390750464
Created by Unknown

Tongue Placement FAIL

bewbs clothing failboat g rated Hall of Fame snoopy - 5390027520
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Probably Bad News: A Last Minute Change To The G20 Summit

cnn failboat france geography g rated poll - 5389562880
Created by Monsieur Troll


billboards failboat g rated irony juxtaposition texting - 5388988416
See all captions Created by Joshua Daily

Description Addition FAIL

failboat g rated Music oh canada Professional At Work - 5387766272
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Made For Newborns FAIL

christmas failboat g rated - 5376599040
See all captions Created by ND

Oddly Specific: Pillow Cases Restrain Them Forever

Cats Death failboat g rated oddly specific signs weird - 5382419456
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Your Order of FAIL Has Arrived

failboat food g rated grocery store product fail - 5379558656
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Things That Are Doing It: Give My Peace a Chance

failboat g rated p33n tank Things That Are Doing It - 5384937728
See all captions Created by MonkeyNinja36

Probably Bad News: Halloween Is Serious Business

failboat g rated gun halloween overkill Probably bad News - 5386501120
Created by skiekitty

Batter Ingredient FAIL

breaking bad failboat food gross ingredients weird - 5386009600
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Blade Hazard FAIL

failboat g rated irony product fail stupidity tax dollars at work - 5385544960
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Wrong Box I am in FAIL

failboat g rated poll product fail star wars toy story yoda - 5289791744
See all captions Created by remember515

A Solid Four Feet of FAIL

embarassing failboat g rated gross Hall of Fame poop toilet paper - 5380388352
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