
'I spent $5,000+ to inconvenience and embarrass a competitor': Wedding planner exposes lying Karen, sabotages her business

'I spent $5,000+ to inconvenience and embarrass a competitor': Wedding planner exposes lying Karen, sabotages her business

'I know exactly what must be done': Karen takes dude's spot at gas station, dude blocks her from leaving

'I know exactly what must be done': Karen takes dude's spot at gas station, dude blocks her from leaving

'A very obviously used candle': Top 20 Birthday Gift Flops

'A very obviously used candle': Top 20 Birthday Gift Flops

'Why wasn't I at my desk? I'll tell you why': Karen Boss asks where employee went after berating her, employee CC's all of HR in her response

'Why wasn't I at my desk? I'll tell you why': Karen Boss asks where employee went after berating her, employee CC's all of HR in her response

'[She] began playing a film without headphones': Flight attendant makes passenger apologize to woman playing a movie out loud on the plane

'[She] began playing a film without headphones': Flight attendant makes passenger apologize to woman playing a movie out loud on the plane

'I had earplugs in and could hear you screaming the entire time': Karen and Kevin get called out by passenger for shouting during the whole flight

'I had earplugs in and could hear you screaming the entire time': Karen and Kevin get called out by passenger for shouting during the whole flight

air travel karens amitheahole aita people aita-reddit jerk airline karens in the wild entitled ahole airplanes karen airplane entitled people - 21353221

'We weren't even talking loud': Passenger confronts loud-talking Karen on a flight, becomes target of her wrath

'Try to stop us, if you think you can': Karen makes HOA spend over $4K in legal fees over neighbor's cameras, neighbor finds loophole in policy

'Try to stop us, if you think you can': Karen makes HOA spend over $4K in legal fees over neighbor's cameras, neighbor finds loophole in policy

‘I can’t do this anymore': Karen demands barista ‘label’ her drinks, despite them already being labeled; barista quits

‘I can’t do this anymore': Karen demands barista ‘label’ her drinks, despite them already being labeled; barista quits

'We won our battle against a busybody Karen': Neighbor conspires to get HOA to enforce new rules, Redditor wins out

'We won our battle against a busybody Karen': Neighbor conspires to get HOA to enforce new rules, Redditor wins out

karen karens karens in the wild entitled people entitled entitlement free stuff facebook marketplace Facebook Craigslist online shopping

'I got 104 messages': Guy gets bombarded by Karens after posting a free barbecue on Marketplace, one tries to steal it out of his garage

'I dumped trash on my neighbor's doorstep': Redditor gets back at neighbor for leaving trash all over their back patio

'I dumped trash on my neighbor's doorstep': Redditor gets back at neighbor for leaving trash all over their back patio

entitled parents entitlement petty-revenge-reddit revenge petty revenge petty entitled entitled people - 21279749

'I proceed to lay my arm perfectly on top of his': Dude takes over woman's entire armrest, becomes the armrest

Top Karens of the Week (July 7, 2023)

Top Karens of the Week (July 7, 2023)

Update: 'It's just a prank, bro': Neighbor feuds with Karen over parking his 17 sports cars on the street

Update: 'It's just a prank, bro': Neighbor feuds with Karen over parking his 17 sports cars on the street

'My neighbor [had] to pay almost 10k for the destruction of our property': Neighbor fined for chopping down family's plants at 2am after insisting they were on his property

'My neighbor [had] to pay almost 10k for the destruction of our property': Neighbor fined for chopping down family's plants at 2am after insisting they were on his property