
karen karens karen-customer customer grocery loblaws pregnant pregnancy trimester baby parents parenting entitled parent mother reddit expectant-mother parking

Self-Important Karen Makes a Pregnant Lady Cry After Stealing an ‘Expectant Mother’ Parking Spot at the Supermarket; Heroic Civilians Teach the Karen a Lesson in Decency

'Just like that, I was unemployed': Game store exec fires employee for refusing to sell his teenage son a video game

'Just like that, I was unemployed': Game store exec fires employee for refusing to sell his teenage son a video game

'She doesn't work here': Karen shames woman's outfit at the grocery store, thinks she's an employee, demands to speak with manager

'She doesn't work here': Karen shames woman's outfit at the grocery store, thinks she's an employee, demands to speak with the manager

'Selling my condo [...] to move in with my now ex gf': 20+ expensive mistakes from regretful people

'Selling my condo [...] to move in with my now ex gf': 20+ expensive mistakes from regretful people

'Neighbors want us to alter our property': Karen builds gaudy 3+ story house, complains that she can see into neighbor's cottage

'Neighbors want us to alter our property': Karen builds gaudy 3+ story house, complains that she can see into neighbor's cottage

'I said I’ll be with you in a moment, ma’am': Honking Karen at the local drive thru refuses to wait in line

'I said I’ll be with you in a moment, ma’am': Honking Karen at the local drive thru refuses to wait in line, barista loses it

'If I were a nicer person, I could've let it go [...] Too bad I'm petty.': Woman files restraining order against neighbor Karen, wins and gets her fired

'If I were a nicer person, I could've let it go [...] Too bad I'm petty.': Woman files restraining order against neighbor Karen, wins and gets her fired

'Why are you always dressing your girl in pink?': Karen neighbor gets mad at father for dressing his 2-year-old daughter in pink clothes

'Why are you always dressing your girl in pink?': Karen neighbor gets mad at father for dressing his 2-year-old daughter in pink clothes

'It only cost me $10,000': 20+ out-of-touch comments made by rich people

'It only cost me $10,000': 20+ out of touch comments made by rich people

'Stop locking your cars after 8pm': Top Karens of the Week (August 25, 2023)

'Stop locking your cars after 8pm': Top Karens of the Week (August 25, 2023)

'It's not a trailer park': Barefoot woman questions neighbors over their Miami Heat flags

'It's not a trailer park': Barefoot woman confronts neighbors over their Miami Heat flags

'I want you to give it to me': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (August 23, 2023)

'I want you to give it to me': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (August 23, 2023)

Dinner guest tells host she's not honoring tradition because she won't eat mayo

'I did not think I was the entitled one here': Dinner guest tells host she's being 'unappreciative of their traditions' because she won't eat mayo

'If it's not piping hot, I'm going to send it back': Karen asks for piping hot soup, server maliciously complies

'If it's not piping hot, I'm going to send it back': Karen asks for her soup to be piping hot, server maliciously complies

'She followed us when we went on vacation': Top 20+ Cringe Neighbor Stories

'She followed us when we went on vacation': Top 20+ Cringe Neighbor Stories

'I gave them a 1-star review': Local bar owner claps back at customer's 1-star review, customer gets even

'I gave them a 1-star review': Local bar owner claps back at customer's 1-star review, customer gets even