
customer support customer service karens job server waiter karen-customer work customers waiting customer talesfromyourserver food service service karens in the wild workplace entitled tales from your server karen entitled people service industry idontworkherelady - 22993413

'YOU SHOULD BE SERVING ME': Bookstore worker on a coffee break accosted by raging Karen who thinks she works there

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'Our family is split on who is wrong': Parents give financial support to their 2 daughters but not their son based on a decision he made 8 years ago

'Find a rich boyfriend then': Top 20+ out-of-touch comments made by Karens, bosses, and rich people

'Find a rich boyfriend then': Top 20+ out-of-touch comments made by Karens, bosses, and rich people

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'He put the 3 minute rice in the pan and left [for] 1 hour': Entitled man-child nearly burns down the college dorm kitchen, learns the hard way how to cook

'[Karen] got me fired': Karen gets employee written up for accusing her of theft, management sides with Karen

'[Karen] got me fired': Karen gets employee written up for accusing her of theft, management sides with Karen

'I ordered salmon, not fish': Karen spits on server after being politely corrected for thinking salmon was not fish

'I ordered salmon, not fish': Karen spits on server after being politely corrected for thinking salmon was not fish

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'Enjoy not being able to use your money': Savage bank teller gets revenge on an unruly customer by following procedure to the T and blocking his account after being accosted over the phone

'She'd been stealing from our house for months': Parents confront daughter's friend after she steals $4,900 watch, discovers she's been stealing for a while and selling their stuff online

'She'd been stealing from our house for months': Parents confront daughter's friend after she stole $4,900 watch only to discover she'd been selling their stuff online for a while

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'He pointed out that I have the camper, so I could just live outside': Entitled couple tries to take brother's house and make him live in the backyard

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'She's still finding reasons to complain': Neighborhood Karen faces off against Entitled Parent over community playground

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'I can't be the only one who thinks it's crazy for my husband to buy his ex a house': Woman won't let her husband buy a house for his ex-wife; family makes her out to be the bad guy

'You just stopped in the middle of the road!': Delivery driver honks at Karen and Kevin, they try to intimidate him, bystander intervenes

'You just stopped in the middle of the road!': Delivery driver honks at Karen and Kevin, they try to intimidate him, bystander intervenes

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'She was the most delusional customer I ever had': Karen tries to return costume the day after halloween, five years after she bought it

entitled parents choosing beggars failbook entitled entitled people choosing beggar - 22880005

'Most hours are in exchange for accommodation and meals': Wild post from off grid couple seeking unpaid child care draws criticism online

'We were late and the movie theater wouldn't move [the] time': Top Spooky Karens of the Week (October 31, 2023)

'We were late and the movie theater wouldn't move [the] time': Top Spooky Karens of the Week (October 31, 2023)

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'I don't want my server to have a sense of humor': Waitress faces online backlash for her jokey sense of humor with customers