
'Enjoy litigation and demotion': Employee gets back at former boss for stealing his ideas and firing him, eventually takes over boss's new company and demotes him

'Enjoy litigation and demotion': Employee gets back at former boss for stealing his ideas and firing him, eventually takes over boss's new company and demotes him

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'I made the mistake of assuming he was telling the truth': Boss tells employee he'll drive her home from work before a snowstorm hit, ends up ghosting her and left her stranded

'I've left my father the contents of my kitchen trash': 15+ lawyers share the craziest statements written in people's wills

'I've left my father the contents of my kitchen trash': 15+ lawyers share the craziest statements written in people's wills

'I NEED this $400 swing for free': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (November 12, 2023)

'I NEED this $400 swing for free': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (November 12, 2023)

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'I calmly explained that that was not possible or legal': Entitled rich guy forced to slum it with the 'peasants' after being caught completely unprepared in the tropics

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'I paid for his education': Entitled woman throws shade at blue-collar in-laws by telling her kids to stay in school, brother-in-law gives the ultimate comeback

'I knew a woman whose job was literally to sleep': Top 15+ craziest ways people made money

'I knew a woman whose job was literally to sleep': Top 15+ craziest ways people made money

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'[The kids] basically cried the whole way': Entitled mother doesn't understand why other airline passengers are upset with her noisy kids, thinks it's worse for her

'Even a free meal isn't worth the frustration': Children of Karens share their worst experiences in public with their parents

'Even a free meal isn't worth the frustration': Children of Karens share their worst experiences in public with their parents

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'YOU SHOULD BE SERVING ME': Bookstore worker on a coffee break accosted by raging Karen who thinks she works there

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'Our family is split on who is wrong': Parents give financial support to their 2 daughters but not their son based on a decision he made 8 years ago

'Find a rich boyfriend then': Top 20+ out-of-touch comments made by Karens, bosses, and rich people

'Find a rich boyfriend then': Top 20+ out-of-touch comments made by Karens, bosses, and rich people

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'He put the 3 minute rice in the pan and left [for] 1 hour': Entitled man-child nearly burns down the college dorm kitchen, learns the hard way how to cook

'[Karen] got me fired': Karen gets employee written up for accusing her of theft, management sides with Karen

'[Karen] got me fired': Karen gets employee written up for accusing her of theft, management sides with Karen

'I ordered salmon, not fish': Karen spits on server after being politely corrected for thinking salmon was not fish

'I ordered salmon, not fish': Karen spits on server after being politely corrected for thinking salmon was not fish

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'Enjoy not being able to use your money': Savage bank teller gets revenge on an unruly customer by following procedure to the T and blocking his account after being accosted over the phone