
'We are [confused] first-time homebuyers': Previous homeowners leave their furniture demanding new homeowners store it until they're ready to pick it up

'We are [confused] first-time homebuyers': Previous homeowners leave their furniture demanding new homeowners store it until they're ready to pick it up

'Want the files in a USB? Okay': Boss insists teacher hands in her reports using a USB, she maliciously complies

'Want the files in a USB? Okay': Boss insists teacher hands in her reports using a USB, she maliciously complies

‘He made an idiot of himself’: Boyfriend tries to take revenge on girlfriend's roommates via social media, girls band together and kick him out

‘He made an idiot of himself’: Mooching boyfriend tries to take revenge on girlfriend's roommates via social media, girls band together and kick him out

'Don't get smart with me': Top Karens of the Week (January 31, 2024)

'Don't get smart with me': Top Karens of the Week (January 31, 2024)

'I absolutely know I’m in the legal right': Woman closes gate to lake access on her private property, entitled neighbors impersonate fake HOA to intimidate

'I absolutely know I’m in the legal right': Woman closes gate to lake access on her private property, entitled neighbors impersonate fake HOA to intimidate

'Let me do my job': Karen refuses to listen to employee's advice, ends up getting zero coverage

'Let me do my job': Karen refuses to listen to insurance employee's advice, ends up getting zero coverage

'I'm being accused of disrupting the group vibe': Woman sees mooching couple at friend dinner, preemptively gets herself a separate check

'I'm being accused of disrupting the group vibe': Woman sees mooching couple at friend dinner, preemptively gets herself a separate check

'Don't mess with the wrong tenants': Landlord ignores maintenance requests for two months, tenant fires back with steep fines

'Don't mess with the wrong tenants': Landlord ignores maintenance requests for two months, tenant fires back with steep fines

'When people start randomly talking to you at work': 25+ people's pettiest pet peeves

'When people start randomly talking to you at work': 25+ people's pettiest pet peeves


'We did exactly what they wanted': First-time homebuyers upset due to ‘missing items’ previous owners tried to leave for them, too late to back out of the deal now

Driver Gets Back at Mansplaining Colleague, Sabotages Friend's Plans

Driver Gets Back at Mansplaining Colleague, Sabotages Friend's Plans

'Why don't people like you?': 20+ cringeworthy questions people were asked in mixed company

'Why don't people like you?': 20+ cringeworthy questions people were asked in mixed company


'I still giggle about it years later': Entitled boss makes his kid's photo the centerpiece of the office, employee hilariously photoshops it and never gets caught


'Enjoy your [new] drama-free life': Entitled sister quits the job her sister got her after only 2 days, sister cuts her from her life and blocks her from getting her W2 tax forms

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'You know that was two years ago, right?': Backwoods burglar unsuccessfully robs a pair of new homeowners after mistaking their house for his

‘We have a water outage': Hotel hit by water outage due to weather, hotel guests turn to front desk clerk

‘We have a water outage': Hotel hit by water outage due to weather, hotel guests turn to front desk clerk