
Karen tries to rip off local landscaping business, requests itemized invoices for three years of work: 'It would take me over 10+ hours to get all that'

Update: Karen tries to rip off local landscaping business, requests itemized invoices for three years of work: 'It would take me over 10+ hours to get all that'

entitlement drama entitled people karma entitled reddit thread Reddit funny aita flight attendant job passenger airplane couple - 26157573

Entitled passenger demands middle seat between couple, throws a fit when flight attendant gets involved: 'We had been sitting there for almost 5 hours'

Entitled Karen guest bosses around host at dinner party, host gets back at her with utensil mixup: 'I use that as a backscratcher'

Entitled Karen guest bosses around host at dinner party, host gets back at her with utensil mixup: 'I use that as a backscratcher'

‘This isn’t petty revenge, this is just petty ignorance': Take-out manager gets chewed out by other service industry workers for withholding food orders to punish delivery drivers

‘This isn’t petty revenge, this is just petty ignorance': Take-out manager gets chewed out by other service industry workers for withholding food orders to punish delivery drivers

Newly-promoted office worker treats new hire like her employee, new hire fills her voicemail with dozens of messages: 'She wanted me to do something that wasn’t my job'

Newly-promoted office worker treats new hire like her employee, new hire fills her voicemail with dozens of messages: 'She wanted me to do something that wasn’t my job'

Painter's unpaid labor sparks three-day client call frenzy, resulting in thousand-dollar phone bill

Painter's unpaid labor sparks three-day client call frenzy, resulting in thousand-dollar phone bill

Redditors share hilariously absurd reasons people flipped out on them over the years: 'Apparently, I breathe too loudly...'

Redditors share hilariously absurd reasons people flipped out on them over the years: 'Apparently, I breathe too loudly...'

Overworked Mom takes week-long vacation away from family, incompetent husband left scrambling: ‘My partner hasn’t done […] laundry in 10 years’

Overworked Mom takes week-long vacation away from family, incompetent husband left scrambling: ‘My partner hasn’t done […] laundry in 10 years’

Update: 'Guess, what, I am still going on vacation’: Manager tries to cancel PTO that employee got approved 3 months in advance, manager's vacation gets cancelled instead

Update: 'Guess what, I am still going on vacation’: Manager tries to cancel PTO that employee got approved 3 months in advance, manager's vacation gets cancelled instead

'What happened to your loyalty?': Penniless divorcee demands successful brother finance his lifestyle and pay down his debt

'What happened to your loyalty?': Penniless divorcee demands successful brother finance his lifestyle and pay down his debt

Difficult Male Karen throws tantrum at hotel front desk over providing proof of identification: 'Nobody else ever IDs me!'

Difficult Male Karen throws tantrum at hotel front desk over providing proof of identification: 'Nobody else ever IDs me!'

worker employee job shopping work baby boomers boomers workplace entitled store karen entitled people - 26081541

'Would you get off your phone and help me with this!': Entitled shopper mistakes woman for employee, makes her assist him anyway until actual worker comes to help

privacy hoa neighbors intervention neighborhood work fence neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories boomers entitled entitled people - 26053637

New homeowner installs privacy fence to keep entitled neighbors from inviting themselves over, neighbors hold intervention on his porch: '[They said] I should be more welcoming to them and take my fence down'

Update: Neighbors demand to park their car in next-door's driveway because they 'don't use it': 'It's not my problem that you decided to buy a vehicle that didn't fit your property'

Update: 'I'm going to have it towed': Neighbors demand to park their car in next-door's driveway because they 'don't use it'

'She got what she wanted—we decorated': Nosy new neighbor insists that couple decorate their house to "fit in to the area"

'She got what she wanted—we decorated': Nosy new neighbor insists that couple decorate their house to "fit in to the area"

boomer baby boomers management employment issues employee job electric cars parking spot work coworkers gen x human resources entitled entitled people - 25992709

Boomer employee threatens to sue company for free gas because coworkers can charge electric cars at work: 'He filed a complaint with HR stating he's been discriminated against for being old'